Res. No. 4024 |
1/6/2020 |
Approving an Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Representative Himes for Office Space on the 10th Floor of the Government Center. |
Res. No 4025 |
1/6/2020 |
Supporting the efforts of Stamford's Complete Count Committee & the US Census Bureau to ensure all residents of Stamford are counted in the upcoming 2020 Census. |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
1/6/2020 |
Congratulating Mothers Against Drunk Driving on their Fortieth Anniversary |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
1/6/2020 |
Recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the Passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution and Congratulating the League of Women Voters on its 100th Anniversary |
Res. No. 4026 |
2/3/2020 |
Approving a Land Swap between O&G Industries Inc. & City of Stamford Related to FST CV 09-5012574S |
Res. No. 4027 |
2/3/2020 |
Approving Lease Modification Agreement between City of Stamford and Stamford Golf Authority/Sterling Farms |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
2/3/2020 |
Congratulating the South End Branch of the Ferguson Library on its 50th Anniversary |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
2/3/2020 |
Congratulating Pitney Bowes, Inc. on its 100th Anniversary |
Res. No. 4028 |
3/2/2020 |
Authorizing the Approval and Filing with the Federal Transit Administration of a Title VI Program for the City of Stamford |
Res. No. 4029 |
3/2/2020 |
Endorsing And Authorizing A Proposal Under the Regional Performance Incentive Grant Program |
Res. No. 4030 |
3/2/2020 |
Concerning Food Establishment Plan Review |
Res. No. 4031 |
3/2/2020 |
Establishing Fees for the E.G. Brennan Municipal Golf Course for the 2020 Golf Season |
Res. No. 4032 |
3/2/2020 |
Establishing Fees for the Terry Conners Ice Rink |
Res. No. 4033 |
3/2/2020 |
In Support of Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities |
Res. No. 4034 |
4/6/2020 |
Creating Special Committee to Review and Revise the Code of Ethics |
Res. No. 4035 |
4/6/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 19/20 by Adding an Appropriation of $50,000 for CLC (MTF) Mold Remediation |
Res. No. 4036 |
4/6/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 19/20 by Adding an Appropriation of $4,000,000 for Westhill (MTF) Mold Remediation |
Res. No. 4037 |
4/6/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 19/20 by Adding an Appropriation of $2,600,000 for Davenport Ridge (MTF) Mold Remediation |
Res. No. 4038 |
4/6/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 19/20 by Adding an Appropriation of $2,000,000 for Westover Magnet (MTF) Mold Remediation |
Res. No. 4039 |
4/6/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 19/20 by Adding an Appropriation of $10,000,000 for Stamford High (MTF) Mold Remediation |
Res. No. 4040 |
4/6/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 19/20 by Adding an Appropriation of $200,000 for AITE (MTF) Mold Remediation |
Res. No. 4041 |
4/6/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 19/20 by Adding an Appropriation of $100,000 for Emergency Replacement of Fire Apparatus |
Res. No. 4042 |
4/6/2020 |
Approving the Sale of 0 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT to the State of Connecticut Department of Transportation |
Res. No. 4043 |
5/4/2020 |
Appropriating Not Exceeding $50,000,000 to Pay Current Expenses and Obligations of the City Of Stamford, Connecticut and Authorizing the Issuance of not Exceeding $50,000,000 Tax Anticipation Notes, Notes Issued Under Section 7-379 of the Connecticut General Statutes, or Notes Issued Under any Other Applicable Provision of the Connecticut General Statutes or Executive Order of the Governor of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4044 |
5/4/2020 |
Approving a License Agreement between the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, First Southern District and the City of Stamford: Use of Cummings Park Marina Boat House |
Res. No. 4045 |
5/4/2020 |
Approving Non-Resident Beach Parking Fees |
Res. No. 4046 |
5/4/2020 |
Authorizing The Mayor to Submit the Year 46 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford, Connecticut |
Res. No. 4047 |
6/1/2020 |
To Authorize the Acquisition by Negotiated Agreement or Eminent Domain Of Property Located at 4 Pulaski Street, 21 Pulaski Street, 256 Washington Blvd., and 274 Washington Connection with the Washington Blvd. and Pulaski Street Widening Project |
Res. No. 4048 |
6/1/2020 |
Approving a List of Programs to the State Department of Revenue Services in Accordance with the Provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act |
Res. No. 4049 |
6/2/2020 |
Adoption of the Operating Budget (Including General Fund Support to the Board of Education Budget) Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 |
Res. No. 4050 |
6/2/2020 |
Adoption of the Board of Education Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 |
Res. No. 4051 |
6/2/2020 |
Adoption of the Capital Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 |
Res. No. 4052 |
6/2/2020 |
Adoption Of The Debt Service Fund, Anti-Blight Programs Fund, Grant Funded Programs Fund, Stamford Harbor Management Fund, Marina Operating Fund, Parking Fund, Police Extra Duty Fund, Eg Brennan Golf Course Fund, Active Medical Fund, Risk Management Fund, Terry Conners Ice Rink Fund and WPCA Fund Budgets for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 To June 30, 2021 |
Res. No. 4053 |
7/6/2020 |
With Respect To The Authorization, Issuance And Sale Of Not Exceeding $15,000,000 City Of Stamford General Obligation Refunding Bonds |
Res. No. 4054 |
7/6/2020 |
Commemorative Naming of the Intersection of Stillwater Avenue at Smith Street Anthony Pellicci Corner, in Recognition of Anthony Pellicci’s Contributions to the Local Community |
Res. No. 4055 |
7/6/2020 |
Approval of Director of Administration's Final Report and Directing that the Washington Boulevard and Pulaski Street Widening Project be Carried Out |
Res. No. 4056 |
7/6/2020 |
In support of Concrete Actions to Begin Dismantling Systemic Racism in City of Stamford Institutions |
Res. No. 4057 |
8/3/2020 |
Adoption of the Capital Budget (WPCA) Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 To June 30, 2021 |
Res. No. 4058 |
8/3/2020 |
Amending the City of Stamford 457 Deferred Compensation Plan to Adopt CARES Act Benefits Regarding Penalty-Free Withdrawals, Loans, Suspended Payments and Waived Distributions |
Res. No. 4059 |
8/3/2020 |
Approving Fee Increases for Terry Conners Ice Rink |
Res. No. 4060 |
8/3/2020 |
Urging the State of Connecticut to Uphold Title IX Protections for Transgender Students |
Sense of the Board |
8/3/2020 |
Congratulating Murray (“Murph”) Weingrad on his 100th Birthday |
Res. No. 4061 |
9/8/2020 |
Appointment of Members of the Board of Representatives to Attend Hearings of the Planning Board in Preparation of a Proposed Capital Program |
Res. No. 4062 |
9/8/2020 |
Authorizing the Mayor Enter Into An Agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection for a State Homeland Security Grant Program |
Res. No. 4063 |
9/8/2020 |
Amending The Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 by Adding an Appropriation of $500,000 for Citywide Manhole & Basin and Authorizing $500,000 General Obligation Bonds of The City To Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4064 |
9/8/2020 |
With Respect To The Authorization, Issuance And Sale Of Not Exceeding $30,000,000 City Of Stamford General Obligation Refunding Bonds |
Sense of the Board |
9/8/2020 |
In Memory of Elaine Mitchell |
Sense of the Board |
9/8/2020 |
Congratulating Pastor Blaine Edele of Union Memorial Church on His Retirement After 28 Years of Service |
Sense of the Board |
9/8/2020 |
Congratulating Marie M. Conti on the Occasion of her 90th Birthday |
Res. No. 4065 |
10/05/2020 |
Approving the Retention of Outside Counsel to Represent the Board of Representatives in the Appeal of the Decision in High Ridge Real Estate Owner, LLC v Board of Representatives |
Sense of the Board |
10/5/2020 |
Congratulating the Traffic Dept. on being awarded the Top Regional Prize from the NASTO for “Quality of Life/Community Development” for the Boxer Square Revitalization project |
Sense of the Board |
10/5/2020 |
Congratulating the Stamford Babe Ruth 18U All-Star Team On Winning the 2020 Connecticut State Championship |
Res. No. 4066 |
11/4/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for FY 2020-2021 by Adding an Appropriation of $816,000 for Public Safety Vehicle Replacement & Upgrade and Authorizing $816,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4067 |
11/4/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for FY 2020-2021 by Adding an Appropriation of $2,000,000 for ERP Implementation and Authorizing $1,200,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4068 |
11/4/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for FY 2020-2021 for Water Pollution Control Projects; CP6904 |
Res. No. 4069 |
11/4/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for FY 2020-2021 for Water Pollution Control Projects; C71021 |
Res. No. 4070 |
11/4/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for FY 2020-2021 for Water Pollution Control Projects; CP0124 |
Res. No. 4071 |
11/4/2020 |
Amending the Capital Budget for FY 2020-2021 for Water Pollution Control Projects; CP4242 |
Res. No. 4072 |
11/4/2020 |
With Respect to the Issuance and Sale of Not to Exceed $29,409,000 Water Pollution Control System and Facility Revenue Bonds of the City of Stamford, Connecticut, Issue of 2020 |
Res. No. 4073 |
11/4/2020 |
With Respect to the Authorization, Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $25,000,000 City of Stamford, Connecticut Water Pollution Control System and Facility Revenue Refunding Bonds |
Res. No. 4074 |
11/4/2020 |
Establishing Fees for E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course 2021 |
Res. No. 4075 |
11/4/2020 |
Approving a Temporary Rate Increase at Terry Conners Rink for Out-of-Town Users During Off Peak Hours |
Res. No. 4076 |
11/4/2020 |
Supporting the Efforts of Stamford’s Delegation in Hartford to Strengthen the State’s Legislative and Regulatory Arrangement over Electric Distribution Companies, such as Eversource and United Illuminating |
Sense of the Board |
11/4/2020 |
Designating Stamford a Purple Heart City |
Sense of the Board |
11/4/2020 |
Recognizing and Congratulating Linda Autore on her 10 Years of Outstanding Leadership of Laurel House |
Res. No. 4077 |
12/7/2020 |
Approving the 2021 Board Meeting Calendar |
Res. No. 4078 |
12/7/2020 |
Approving the Retention of Outside Counsel to Represent the Board of Representatives in the Appeal of Strand/BRC Group LLC, et al. v. Board of Representatives |
Res. No. 4079 |
12/7/2020 |
Approving Ballfield Advertising Banner Fees |
Sense of the Board |
12/7/2020 |
Honoring and Thanking Jim Green for Attempting to Rescue a Boater in Distress |
Res. No. 4080 |
12/28/2020 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Submit an Amended Annual Action Plan for the CDBG-Cares Act and the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford, Connecticut |
Res. No. 4081 |
1/4/2021 |
Advocating that the City of Stamford Prepare And Seek State Approval of an Air Quality Monitoring Program and Implement Such a Program |
Res. No. 4082 |
1/4/2021 |
Encouraging State to Automatically Provide Absentee Ballots to First Responders in all Elections |
Sense of the Board |
1/4/2021 |
Congratulating People Empowering People (PEP) on 20 Years of Encouraging and Engaging Parents in their Children's Education |
Res. No. 4083 |
2/1/2021 |
With Respect to the Authorization, Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $50,000,000 City of Stamford General Obligation Refunding Bonds |
Res. No. 4084 |
2/1/2021 |
Approving the Sale of Property Located at 0 West Park Place (a/k/a 66 West Park Place & Park Square West III), Stamford, Connecticut by the City of Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission to Tullamore LLC |
Res. No. 4085 |
2/1/2021 |
Creating a South End Historic District Study Committee |
Sense of the Board |
2/1/2021 |
Honoring and Thanking Jim Travers for his Service to the Residents of Stamford |
Sense of the Board |
2/1/2021 |
Congratulating Angela Carella and John Nickerson on their Retirement from the Stamford Advocate |
Sense of the Board |
2/1/2021 |
Thanking Coordinator George Ducanic on 28 Years of Commitment to the Toys for Tots Program in Stamford |
Sense of the Board |
3/1/2021 |
Thanking the Stamford Firefighters Who Performed a Life-Saving Rescue at Cummings Park During the Blizzard |
Res No. 4086 |
4/5/2021 |
Accepting Title to the Old Town Hall Property at 175 Atlantic Street and Assignments of Related Notes and Mortgages in Satisfaction of Debt of Certain Notes and Release of Mortgages on That Same Property Pursuant to the Old Town Hall Financing Plan |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
4/5/2022 |
Congratulating Representative Raven Matherne on Receiving a Dorothy Award from the New Haven Pride Center |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
4/5/2022 |
Congratulating Deborah A. Miller on her Retirement as Supervisory Inspector III and Thanking her for her Service to the City of Stamford |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
4/5/2022 |
Congratulating the Ferguson Library on Being Named a Finalist for the National Medal of Museum and Library Service |
Res. No. 4087 |
5/3/2021 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by Adding an Appropriation of $1,664,311.17 for the Mill River Greenway – Tresser to Richmond Hill Project and Authorizing $500,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4088 |
5/3/2021 |
Sense of the Board Regarding Obtaining Public Input for Disposition of Old Police Station and Recommendation by the Board of Representatives Thereafter to City Administration |
Res. No. 4089 |
5/3/2021 |
Approving a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement by and between the City of Stamford and Zody’s 19th Hole, LLC at E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course |
Res. No. 4090 |
5/3/2021 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Submit the Year 47 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford, Connecticut. |
Res. No. 4091 |
5/3/2021 |
Establishing a Parking Meter Zone on Shippan Avenue Along the Frontages of Cummings Park and 614 Shippan Avenue |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
5/3/2021 |
In Memory of Joseph Emilio Revolus |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
5/3/2021 |
Congratulating Polish People as they Commemorate the 230th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Polish Constitution |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
5/3/2021 |
Celebrating Stamford’s History and Diversity on Stamford Day 2021 |
Res. No. 4092 |
5/4/2021 |
Adoption of the Board of Education Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 |
Res. No. 4093 |
5/4/2021 |
Adoption of the Operating Budget (including General Fund Support to the Board of Education Budget) Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 |
Res. No. 4094 |
5/4/2021 |
Adoption of the Capital Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 |
Res. No. 4095 |
5/4/2021 |
Adoption Of The Debt Service Fund, Anti-Blight Programs Fund, Grant Funded Programs Fund, Stamford Harbor Management Fund, Marina Operating Fund, Parking Fund, Police Extra Duty Fund, EG Brennan Golf Course Fund, Active Medical Fund, Risk Management Fund, Terry Conners Ice Rink Fund And WPCA Fund Budgets For The Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 To June 30, 2022 |
Res. No. 4096 |
6/7/2021 |
Authorizing the Mayor to File an Application with the State Department of Economic and Community Development for a Grant in the amount of $150,000 for the LathonWider Center Repurposing Project. |
Res. No. 4097 |
6/7/2021 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal year 2020-2021 by Adding an Appropriation of $52,626,728 for Stamford Early Childhood Education Center Replacement Project and Authorizing $52,626,728 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4098 |
6/7/2021 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by Adding an Appropriation of $261,038,536 for the Westhill High School Replacement Project and Authorizing $261,038,536 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4099 |
6/7/2021 |
Approving a List of Programs to the State Department of Revenue Services in Accordance with the Provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/7/2021 |
Congratulating the Stamford Art Association on Celebrating its 50th Anniversary |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/7/2021 |
Congratulating the Stamford Museum & Nature Center on the Occasion of its 85th Anniversary |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/7/2021 |
Congratulating Josephine Fulcher Anderson of the Ferguson Library on Being Named 2021 Outstanding Librarian by the Connecticut Library Association |
Res. No. 4100 |
7/6/2021 |
Approving an Amendment to the Lease Agreement between City of Stamford and Representative James A. Himes for 996 ft2 of Office Space on the 10th Floor of the Government Center |
Res. No. 4101 |
7/6/2021 |
Amending Resolution No. 4085 Creating a South End Historic Study Committee to Extend the Date by which the Study Committee Shall Submit its Report |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
7/6/2021 |
In Memory of Patricia C. Phillips |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
8/2/2021 |
Commending and Thanking Westhill High School Security Guard Keith Rosedom for his Heroic Efforts |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
8/2/2021 |
Thanking and Honoring Woodway Beach Club Lifeguards Kinga Srednicka, Nicholas Radman, Henry Sokolowski and Christian Carson for their Heroic Response to the Capsize of a Canoe on Long Island Sound |
Res. No. 4102 |
9/8/2021 |
Appointment of Members of the Board of Representatives to Attend Hearings of the Planning Board in Preparation of a Proposed Capital Program |
Res. No. 4103 |
9/8/2021 |
Accepting a Gift of Used Office Furniture from W.R. Berkley Corporation |
Res. No. 4104 |
9/8/2021 |
Requiring Gun Owners to Produce Their Licenses When Asked by Law Enforcement Officers |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
9/8/2021 |
Congratulating the City of Stamford, the Office of the Registrar of Voters, and the Office of the City and Town Clerk on Receiving the Democracy Cup from Secretary of State Denise Merrill |
Res. No. 4105 |
10/4/2021 |
Amending The Capital Budget For Fiscal Year 2020-2021 By Adding An Appropriation Of $762,699.95 For The Traffic Signals, Lighting & Safety Improvements Project And Authorizing $762,699.95 General Obligation Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4106 |
10/4/2021 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by Adding an Appropriation of $300,000 for the District-Wide Boiler & Burner Replacement Project and Authorizing $300,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4107 |
10/4/2021 |
Approving a Second Amendment to Lease Agreement between the City of Stamford and NNI Belltown Elderly Housing Inc |
Res. No. 4108 |
10/4/2021 |
Adopting the Western Connecticut Council Of Governments Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, 2021-2026 |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
10/4/2021 |
Recognizing the Work of the “Stamford Vaccine Equity Partnership,” an Effort between the City of Stamford, Family Centers, Community Health Center, and Stamford Health in Raising Vaccination Rates in Stamford's Most Disadvantaged Neighborhoods |
Res. No. 4109 |
11/3/2021 |
Authorizing The Mayor To Enter Into A Contract With The State Of Connecticut For Funding Assistance Regarding Operation of the Stamford Day Care Program |
Res. No. 4110 |
11/3/2021 |
Authorizing The Mayor To Enter Into An Agreement With The State Of Connecticut Office Of Early Childhood Regarding A Quality Enhancement Program Grant |
Res. No. 4111 |
11/3/2021 |
Authorizing The Mayor To Submit A Grant Application And To Enter Into Agreement With The State Of Connecticut For School Readiness |
Res. No. 4112 |
11/3/2021 |
BOR's Recommendation on the use of the Old Police Station to the Mayor |
Res. No. 4113 |
11/3/2021 |
Directing the Administration to Develop a Short and Long Term Plan to Mitigate the Impact of Severe Storm and Rain Events, including Keeping Rivers and Streams Free of Obstructions and Debris; Cleaning and Repair of Catch Basins; and Upgrading of Related Drainage Infrastructure |
Res. No. 4114 |
11/3/2021 |
In Support of Medicare for All |
Res. No. 4115 |
12/6/2021 |
Approving the 2022 Board of Representatives Calendar |
Res. No. 4116 |
1/3/2022 |
Amending the 2022 Board of Representatives Calendar to Correct an Error |
Res. No. 4117 |
1/3/2022 |
Recognizing Harvest Hill Lane with the Commemorative Name of Roosevelt Mitchell Crossing |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
1/3/2022 |
Land Acknowledgment Statement, Recognizing the Native Peoples Involved in the Founding of Stamford |
Res. No. 4118 |
2/7/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection for a State Homeland Security Grant Program. |
Res. No. 4119 |
2/7/2022 |
Approving a Lease Agreement between the City of Stamford and Domus Kids, Inc. for 83 Lockwood Avenue, Stamford, CT |
Res. No. 4120 |
2/7/2022 |
Requesting Referral to the Board of Representatives of the Petition to Appeal Amendment to the Zoning Regulations under Zoning Board Approval No. 221-20 |
Res. No. 4121 |
2/7/2022 |
Sense of the Board Regarding Replacement of West Main Street Bridge |
Res. No. 4122 |
2/7/2022 |
Initiating Charter Revision |
Res. No. 4123 |
2/7/2022 |
Naming the Members of the 19th Charter Revision Commission |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
2/7/2022 |
In Recognition of Two Awards Received by the Stamford High School Athletics Program for Excellence in Sportsmanship |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
2/7/2022 |
Congratulating Wade Young, Jr. on the Occasion of his 98th Birthday |
Res. No. 4124 |
3/7/2022 |
Sense of the Board to Protect City of Stamford Parks and Recreational Resources |
Res. No. 4125 |
3/7/2022 |
Concerning the Charge of the 19th Charter Revision Commission |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
3/7/2022 |
Commending Riley Jones for his Advocacy around ADA Compliance. |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
3/7/2022 |
Congratulating the Stamford BSA Troop 11 on its 1921-2021 Centennial |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
3/7/2022 |
Congratulating Ramona Gomez on Celebrating her 100th Birthday |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
3/7/2022 |
Recognizing Phil Giordano’s 26 Years of Service to the City of Stamford on the Board of Representatives. |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
3/7/2022 |
In Memory of Frank W. LiVolsi, Jr. |
Res. No. 4126 |
4/4/2022 |
Approving a Limit for the Local Senior Citizen Tax Relief Program for Real Estate Taxes On The Grand List of October 1, 2021 |
Res. No. 4127 |
4/4/2022 |
Accepting the Extension Portion of Pakenmer Road as a City Street under Code of Ordinances §214-32 |
Res. No. 4128 |
4/4/2022 |
Amending Resolution No. 4085, as amended by Resolution No. 4101, Creating a South End Historic District Study Committee to Extend the Date by which the Study Committee Shall Submit its Report. |
Res. No. 4129 |
4/4/2022 |
Requesting that the City Administration and Stamford’s State Delegation Actively Resist Current Proposals in the Connecticut State Legislature to limit local control of Beach and Beach Parking Access |
Res. No. 4130 |
4/4/2022 |
Declaring a Climate Emergency |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
4/4/2022 |
Supporting the People of Ukraine |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
4/4/2022 |
Recognizing and Thanking Gloria DePina for her Service on the Board of Representatives and to the City of Stamford |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
4/4/2022 |
Recognizing and Thanking Lila Wallace for her Service on the Board of Representatives and to the City of Stamford |
Res. No. 4131 |
5/2/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Application with the State Department of Economic & Community Development to Promote Historic Preservation Efforts in the City of Stamford |
Res. No. 4132 |
5/2/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Development for Financial Assistance to Rehabilitate and Improve Barrett Park |
Res. No. 4133 |
5/2/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Development for Financial Assistance to Rehabilitate and Improve Northrop Park |
Res. No. 4134 |
5/2/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Submit the Year 48 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
5/2/2022 |
Recognizing Rodney Pratt for his Years of Service on the Board of Representatives |
Res. No. 4135 |
5/3/2022 |
Adoption of the Capital Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 |
Res. No. 4136 |
5/3/2022 |
Adoption of the Debt Service Fund, Anti-Blight Fund, Grant Funded Programs Fund, Stamford Harbor Management Fund, Marina Operating Fund, Parking Fund, Police Extra Duty Fund, E. G. Brennan Golf Course Fund, Terry Conner’s Ice Rink Fund, Active Medical Fund, Risk Management Fund, and WPCA Fund Budgets for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 |
Res. No. 4137 |
5/3/2022 |
Adoption of the Operating Budget (Including General Fund Support to the Board of Education Budget) Fiscal Year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 |
Res. No. 4138 |
5/3/2022 |
Adoption of the Board of Education Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 |
Res. No. 4139 |
5/23/22 |
Approving an Additional Tax Rate to Provide Funds to A Reserve Fund for Capital Nonrecurring Expenditures to Support the Funding of Future Capital Projects Under CGS §7-361 As Recommended by The Board of Finance for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 |
Res. No. 4140 |
6/6/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 by Adding an Appropriation of $4,122,491 for the Stamford High Plaster Ceiling & Floor Project and Authorizing $4,122,491 General Obligation Bonds of the City to meet said Appropriation; and Resolution for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4141 |
6/6/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 by Adding an Appropriation of $86,000,000 for the Roxbury School Replacement Project and Authorizing $86,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to meet said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4142 |
6/6/2022 |
Recognizing Fairfield Avenue from Richmond Hill Avenue to West Main Street with the Honorary Name of “Dr. Joyce Yerwood Way” |
Res. No. 4143 |
6/6/2022 |
Approving a List of Programs to the State Department of Revenue Services in Accordance with the Provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act |
Res. No. 4144 |
7/5/2022 |
Sense of the Board Urging the General Assembly to Permit Municipalities to Install and Operate Speed Cameras Near Schools |
Res. No. 4145 |
8/1/2022 |
Approving the First Amendment to Lease Between Our Lady Star of the Sea Corporation and the City of Stamford for 1170 Shippan Avenue, Stamford, CT |
Res. No. 4146 |
8/1/2022 |
to Advocate that the Zoning Board Initiates the Public Hearing Process Prescribed in Public Act 21-29 so that Residents can Express Their Views on the Impact of the Act and its Opt-Out Provisions in Stamford |
Sense of the Board |
8/1/2022 |
Congratulating Sterling Farms Golf Course on its 50th Anniversary |
Res. No. 4147 |
9/6/2022 |
Appointment of Members of the Board of Representatives to Attend Hearings of the Planning Board in Preparation of a Proposed Capital Program |
Res. No. 4148 |
9/6/2022 |
Advocating a Tree Preservation and Planting Program and Land Use Regulations to Combat the Climate Emergency Recognized in Resolution No. 4130 |
Sense of the Board |
9/6/2022 |
Congratulating the Stamford Babe Ruth 16-18 Boys Baseball Team for Advancing to the World Series |
Res. No. 4149 |
10/3/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Development for Improvements at Terry Conners Ice Rink |
Res. No. 4150 |
10/3/2022 |
Amending The Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 By Adding an Appropriation of $3,622,150 for the John Boccuzzi Park Phase II Project and Authorizing $1,811,075 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
10/3/2022 |
Congratulating Stamford Stars 12U Softball Team for Advancing to the World Series |
Res. No. 4151 |
11/7/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the State Department of Energy & Environmental Education related to the Mill River Park Phase 2 West Side [update to Resolution No. 3874]. |
Res. No. 4152 |
11/7/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $150,000 for the Fire Apparatus Project and Authorizing $150,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4153 |
11/7/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $100,000 for the East Side Fire Station Project and Authorizing $100,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4154 |
11/7/2022 |
Approving a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement between City of Stamford and 336-352 Elm Street, LLC, for 384 Elm Street, Stamford CT |
Res. No. 4155 |
11/7/2022 |
Approving a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement between City of Stamford and 402 Elm St Partners LLC, for 402 Elm Street, Stamford CT |
Res. No. 4156 |
11/7/2022 |
Opt Out from the Provisions of Public Act No. 21-29 (Codified at Connecticut General Statutes 8-2o) Pertaining to Limitations on Accessory Apartments and Accessory Dwelling Units |
Res. No. 4157 |
11/7/2022 |
Opt Out from the Provisions of Public Act No. 21-29 (Codified at Connecticut General Statutes 8-2p) Pertaining to Limitations on Residential Parking Requirements |
Res. No. 4158 |
11/7/2022 |
Advocating for Restoration of City Property at 35 Crescent Street |
Res. No. 4159 |
11/7/2022 |
Requesting Resources for Tree Maintenance, Replacement and Inventory |
Res. No. 4160 |
11/7/2022 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into a Contract Regarding Community Development Block Grant Year 45 Funding |
Res. No. 4161 |
11/28/2022 |
Related to the Application for HVAC Indoor Air Quality School Construction Grant for Stark Roof Top Unit Replacement Project |
Res. No. 4162 |
11/28/2022 |
Related to the Application for HVAC Indoor Air Quality School Construction Grant for Westover Magnet Elementary School HVAC Improvement Project. |
Res. No. 4163 |
11/28/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $8,000,000 for the Newfield Fresh Air Project and Authorizing $3,200,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4164 |
11/28/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $4,000,000 for the Rippowam Mechanical Improvements Project and Authorizing $1,600,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4165 |
11/28/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $3,000,000 for the Stamford High School Mechanical Improvements Project and Authorizing $1,200,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4166 |
11/28/2022 |
Related to the Application for HVAC Indoor Air Quality School Construction Grant for Cloonan Unit Ventilator Controls Replacement Project |
Res. No. 4167 |
11/28/2022 |
Related to the Application for HVAC Indoor Air Quality School Construction Grant for Davenport Roof Top Unit Replacement Project |
Res. No. 4168 |
11/28/2022 |
Related to the Application for HVAC Indoor Air Quality School Construction Grant for Northeast Boiler Room Upgrade Project |
Res. No. 4169 |
11/28/2022 |
Related to the Application for HVAC Indoor Air Quality School Construction Grant for Rippowam Boiler Room Upgrade Project |
Res. No. 4170 |
11/28/2022 |
Related to the Application for HVAC Indoor Air Quality School Construction Grant for Stamford High School HVAC Replacement and Upgrade Project. |
Res. No. 4171 |
12/5/2022 |
Approving the 2023 Board of Representatives Calendar |
Res. No. 4172 |
12/5/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $112,806.12 for the CLC Facility Rehab Project and Authorizing $112,806.12 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4173 |
12/5/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $2,500,000 for the West Glenn Drive Bridge Project and Authorizing $500,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4174 |
12/5/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $57,141.03 for the Big 5 Improvements & Upgrades Project and Authorizing $57,141.03 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4175 |
12/5/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $1,500,000 for the Davenport Ridge - MTF Project and Authorizing $1,500,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4176 |
12/5/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $1,000,000 for the Julia Stark - MTF Project and Authorizing $1,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4177 |
12/5/2022 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $3,000,000 for the Westover Magnet - MTF Project and Authorizing $3,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4178 |
12/5/2022 |
Establishing a Parking Meter Zone on Harbor View Avenue on the East and West Sides of the Road from Jefferson Street to Pumping Station Road |
Res. No. 4179 |
1/3/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Water Pollution Control Project CP1455 Primary Sludge De-Gritting System |
Res. No. 4180 |
1/3/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Water Pollution Control Project C22046 Perna Lane Area Sewers |
Res. No. 4181 |
1/3/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Water Pollution Control Project CP0124 Replacement of Plant Water and RAS Pumps |
Res. No. 4182 |
1/3/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 For Water Pollution Control Project CP5025 Aeration Blowers Upgrade |
Res. No. 4183 |
1/3/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Water Pollution Control Project CP5147 Upgrade Plant Headworks |
Res. No. 4184 |
1/3/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 for Water Pollution Control Project C71201 Upgrade of Ultra-Violet Disinfection System |
Res. No. 4185 |
2/6/2023 |
Authorizing The Mayor to Enter into an Application and Agreement with The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development and a Sub-Recipient Agreement with Scrapworks LLC |
Res. No. 4186 |
2/6/2023 |
Authorizing The Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with The Connecticut Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection for a State Homeland Security Grant Program |
Res. No. 4187 |
2/6/2023 |
Authorizing The Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development Related to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center Observatory and Planetarium |
Res. No. 4188 |
2/6/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Development related to the Child Learning Center for Playscape Design and Construction |
Res. No. 4189 |
2/6/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $2,224,035 for the Stamford High School Roof Project and Authorizing $889,614 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4190 |
2/6/2023 |
Calling on the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Connecticut to Make the Elimination of Local Bus Fares Permanent for All Bus Riders |
Res. No. 4191 |
3/6/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) [related to the John Boccuzzi Park Phase 2 Project (# 012662)] |
Res. No. 4192 |
3/6/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Development {related to the Boys & Girls Club Playscape Area at the Yerwood Center] |
Res. No. 4193 |
3/6/2023 |
To Advance and Support the City of Stamford’s Vision Zero Initiative |
Res. No. 4194 |
3/22/2023 |
Against White Supremacy, Bigotry, and Racism. |
Res. No. 4195 |
4/3/2023 |
Recognizing A Sister City Relationship Between the Town of Kramatorsk, Ukraine and Stamford, Connecticut |
Res. No. 4196 |
4/3/2023 |
Approving the Creation of a Special Committee to Represent the Board of Representatives in the Review and Response to any Resolution Proposals in High Ridge Real Estate Owner LLC v. Board of Representatives of the City of Stamford |
Res. No. 4197 |
4/3/2023 |
Implementing a Two Year Phase-In of the Stamford Property Revaluation [amended by Res. 4199] |
Res. No. 4198 |
4/3/2023 |
Approving an Amended and Restated Lease Agreement by and between the City of Stamford and Halloween Yacht Club for 10 Seaview Avenue |
Res. No. 4199 |
5/1/2023 |
Implementing a Two Year Phase-In of the Stamford Property Revaluation. [Technical Amendment to Resolution No. 4197 as required by OPM] |
Res. No. 4200 |
5/1/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter in an Application with the State Department of Economic and Community Development {for a Certified Local Government Grant not to exceed $6,000 to Promote Historic Preservation] |
Res. No. 4201 |
5/1/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Development [re: the Stamford High School Athletic Fields Project. [$2,000,000]] |
Res. No. 4202 |
5/1/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development [re: the Stamford High School Athletic Fields Project. {$1,000,000]] |
Res. No. 4203 |
5/1/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Transportation [re: the Citywide Pedestrian Signal & Safety Upgrades] |
Res. No. 4204 |
5/1/2023 |
Amending Resolution No. 4085 Creating a South End Historic District Study Committee |
Res. No. 4205 |
5/1/2023 |
Waiving the Requirements of Section 21-3B of the Code of Ordinances in Order to Rename Chestnut Hill Park as Susan Nabel Park at Chestnut Hill |
Res. No. 4206 |
5/1/2023 |
Renaming Chestnut Hill Park to Susan Nabel Park at Chestnut Hill in Conformance with Section 21 of the Code of Ordinances |
Res. No. 4207 |
5/1/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Submit the Year 49 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford, Connecticut |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
5/1/2023 |
Honoring Former Representative Susan E. Nabel |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
5/1/2023 |
Congratulating Bill and Jevera Hennessey On Being Named Stamford’s Citizens of the Year 2023 |
Res. No. 4208 |
5/9/2023 |
Adoption of the Debt Service Fund, Anti-Blight Programs Fund, Grants Fund, Stamford Harbor Management Fund, Marina Operating Fund, Parking Fund, Police Extra Duty Fund, Eg Brennan Golf Course Fund, Terry Conners Ice Rink Fund, Active Medical Fund, Risk Management Fund, and WPCA Fund Budgets for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 To June 30, 2024 |
Res. No. 4209 |
5/9/2023 |
Adoption of the Capital Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 |
Res. No. 4210 |
5/9/2023 |
Adoption of the Board of Education Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 |
Res. No. 4211 |
5/9/2023 |
Adoption of the Operating Budget (including General Fund Support to the Board of Education Budget) Fiscal Year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 |
Res. No. 4212 |
5/17/2023 |
Approving An Additional Tax Rate to Provide Funds to a Reserve Fund for Capital Nonrecurring Expenditures to Support the Funding of Future Capital Projects under CGS §7-361 as Recommended by the Board of Finance for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 |
Res. No. 4213 |
6/5/2023 |
Approving Fees for Use of Ballfields |
Res. No. 4214 |
6/5/2023 |
Establishing Fees for E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course 2023 |
Res. No. 4215 |
6/5/2023 |
Establishing Fees for Summer Camp Programs |
Res. No. 4216 |
6/5/2023 |
Approving Fee Schedule for Terry Conners Ice Rink. [amended by Res, 4224A] |
Res. No. 4217 |
6/5/2023 |
Waiving the Requirements of Section 21-3B of the Code of Ordinances in Order to Name the Hart School Playground "Representative Philip J. Giordano Playground" |
Res. No. 4218 |
6/5/2023 |
Naming the Hart School Playground "Representative Philip J. Giordano Playground" in Conformance with Section 21 of the Code of Ordinances |
Res. No. 4219 |
6/5/2023 |
Approving Submittal of Attached List of Programs to the State Department of Revenue Services in Accordance with the Provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/5/2023 |
Thanking Sue Greenberg for her 17,000 Hours of Volunteer Service at Stamford Hospital. |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/5/2023 |
Congratulating Elba Sims of Turn Of River Middle School on Being Named 2023-2024 Stamford Teacher Of The Year |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/5/2023 |
Congratulating Matthew Fleming on Earning the Rank of Eagle Scout |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/5/2023 |
Congratulating the Stamford BSA Troop 9 on its 1923-2023 Centennial |
Res. No. 4220 |
6/12/2023 |
Amending The Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $72,463,942 for the South School Project – (Phase I - Lockwood) and Authorizing $28,985,576 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4221 |
6/12/2023 |
Amending The Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by Adding an Appropriation of $85,871,466 for the South School Project – (Phase2 - KT Murphy) and Authorizing $34,348,586 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4222 |
7/5/2023 |
Regarding Public Act 23-205 |
Res. No. 4223 |
7/5/2023 |
Resolution Regarding the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for the Springdale School Project Financing and for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4224A |
7/5/2023 |
Amending Resolution No. 4216 Approving Fee Schedule for Terry Conners Ice Rink |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
7/5/2023 |
Congratulating Sebastian Bernhard on Earning the Rank of Eagle Scout |
Res. No. 4224 |
7/20/2023 |
Concerning Recommendations for Changes to the Draft Report of the 19th Charter Revision Commission |
Res. No. 4225 |
8/7/2023 |
Resolution Regarding the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for the Davenport School Bathroom Project Financing and for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4226 |
8/7/2023 |
Resolution Regarding the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for the Newfield School Roof Renovation Project Financing and for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4227 |
8/7/2023 |
Authorizing the Acceptance of a Gift From Terra Green LLC for Refurbishments/Enhancements to the Seating Located at Cubeta Stadium |
Res. No. 4228 |
8/29/2023 |
Approving the Final Report of the 19th Charter Review Commission Subject to any Rejected Provisions |
Res. No. 4229 |
9/5/2023 |
Appointment of Members of the Board of Representatives to Attend Hearings of the Planning Board in Preparation of a Proposed Capital Program |
Res. No. 4230 |
9/5/2023 |
Regarding the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for the Springdale School Flooring Renovation Project Financing and for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4231 |
9/5/2023 |
Regarding the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for the Northeast School Flooring Renovation Project Financing and for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4232 |
9/5/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $770,930 for the Davenport Ridge School Roof Project and Approving the Acceptance of a State Grant to Meet Said Appropriation [Amended by Res. 4236] |
Res. No. 4233 |
9/5/2023 |
Amending the Resolution Entitled “Amending The Capital Budget For Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by Adding An Appropriation of $261,038,536 for the Westhill High School Replacement Project and Authorizing $261,038,536 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation” by Increasing the Appropriation by $40,275,352 |
Sense of the Board |
9/5/2023 |
Congratulating the Villa Maria School on its 50th Anniversary |
Res. No. 4234 |
9/6/2023 |
Approving the Submission to the Electors of the Proposed Amendments to the Charter at the November 7, 2023 Election |
Res. No. 4235 |
9/6/2023 |
Establishing the Charter Revision Questions for the November 7, 2023 Ballot |
Res. No. 4236 |
10/2/2023 |
Amending Resolution No. 4232 Regarding the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for the Davenport School Roof Renovation Project and Authorizing $3,383,138 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation and for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4237 |
10/2/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $2,000,000 for the Street Lighting Infrastructure Project and Authorizing $1,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4238 |
10/2/2023 |
Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Stamford and SMTG LLC for 560 Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT |
Res. No. 4239 |
10/2/2023 |
Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement between the City of Stamford and SMTG LLC for 13 Manhattan Street, Stamford, CT |
Res. No. 4240 |
10/2/2023 |
Amending Resolution No. 4085, as Amended by Resolution Nos. 4101, 4128, And 4204 Concerning the Appointment of a South End Historic District Study Committee |
Res. No. 4241 |
11/8/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $109,020 for the Citywide Vehicle Replacement & Upgrade and Authorizing $109,020 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4242 |
11/8/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $170,042.62 for Citywide Equipment Replacement & Upgrade and Authorizing $170,042.62 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4243 |
11/8/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $888,399.68 for the Government Center Renovations and Authorizing $888,399.68 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4244 |
11/8/2023 |
Approving a License and Use Agreement by and between the Boys & Girls Club of Stamford and the Stamford Public Schools (Use of Classroom Space for SPS’ Steps Program) |
Res. No. 4245 |
11/8/2023 |
Approving a Lease by and between the Honorable James A. Himes and the City of Stamford for 996 ft2 of Office Space on the 10th Floor of the Government Center |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
11/8/2023 |
Congratulating the Terry Conners Ice Rink on its 50th Anniversary |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
11/8/2023 |
Congratulating the Stamford (Sharks) Youth Hockey Association on its 50th Anniversary |
Res. No. 4246 |
12/4/2023 |
Approving the 2024 Board of Representatives Calendar |
Res. No. 4247 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into and Sign Agreements with the Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and/or the Recovery Network of Programs, Inc. for an Enhanced Community Response Initiative Grant Subaward |
Res. No. 4248 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into and Sign an Agreement with the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center for the Community Violence Intervention & Prevention Services |
Res. No. 4249 |
12/4/2023 |
Regarding the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for the Davenport School Bathroom Renovation Project and for School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4250 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for the Bartlett Arboretum Pavilion Construction Project |
Res. No. 4251 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Contract with the State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management for Funding Assistance Regarding the Neglected Cemetery Grant Program for Municipalities |
Res. No. 4252 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing an Appropriation of $7,147,847 for the Newfield Elementary School Fresh Air Project and Authorizing $2,859,139 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4253 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing an Appropriation of $4,174,260 for the Rippowam Middle School and Apples Pre-K HVAC Mechanical Improvement Project and Authorizing $1,669,704 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation; and Resolution For School Construction Grant |
Res. No. 4254 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the State of Connecticut for the West Side Pedestrian Safety and Connectivity Project |
Res. No. 4255 |
12/4/2023 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the State of Connecticut for the Latham Park Area Infrastructure Improvements Project |
Res. No. 4256 |
12/4/2023 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $3,642,938 for the Storm Water Pump Stations and Authorizing $910,734.50 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4257 |
01/02/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and Sign Agreements with the CT Department of Public Health for a Workforce Development Grant |
Res. No. 4258 |
01/02/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and Sign Agreements with the CT Department of Public Health for the Immunization and Vaccines for Children Project |
Res. No. 4259 |
01/02/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and Sign Agreements with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) Grant Program |
Sense of the Board |
01/02/2024 |
Honoring the Stamford High Boys Varsity Soccer Team on Reaching the 2023 State Finals. |
Res. No. 4260 |
02/05/2024 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by adding an Appropriation of $199,074 for the Master Plans Project and Authorizing $199,074 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation |
Res. No. 4261 |
02/05/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the CT Secretary of State for the Early Voting Grant |
Res. No. 4262 |
02/05/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with CT OPM for the Local Capital Improvement Program |
Res. No. 4263 |
02/05/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with CT Department of Transportation for a Community Connectivity Grant |
Res. No. 4264 |
02/05/2024 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for Water Pollution Control Project CP1455 Primary Sludge De-Gritting System |
Res. No. 4265 |
02/05/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into a Contract Regarding the Community Development Block Grant Year 49 Funding for the Stamford Veterans Resource Center |
Sense of the Board |
02/05/2024 |
Congratulating Silver Source on its 115th Anniversary |
Sense of the Board |
02/05/2024 |
Congratulating the Stamford Veterans Resource Center on its One Year Anniversary |
Res. No. 4266 |
03/04/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the Connecticut Health Care Coalition for Medical Reserve Corp (MRC) “Go Bag” Giveaway |
Res. No. 4267 |
03/04/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the Connecticut Department of Transportation for the Microtransit Pilot Program |
Res. No. 4268 |
03/04/2024 |
Notice of Intent to Discontinue a Portion of Garden Street Stamford, Connecticut |
Res. No. 4269 |
03/04/2024 |
Requiring the City of Stamford to purchase Bunker Gear/Turnout Gear free of PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) as soon as available |
Sense of the Board |
03/04/2024 |
Congratulating Mildred Ritchie on her 100th Birthday |
Res. No. 4270 |
04/01/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the CT Office of the Arts Under CT Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) for CT Supporting Arts Grant |
Res. No. 4271 |
04/01/2024 |
State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Certified Resolution of The Legislative Body of the City of Stamford |
Res. No. 4272 |
5/2/2024 |
Adoption of the Board of Education Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 |
Res. No. 4273 |
5/2/2024 |
Adoption of the Operating Budget (include General Fund Support to the Board of Education Budget) Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 |
Res. No. 4274 |
5/2/2024 |
Adoption of the Capital Budget Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 |
Res. No. 4275 |
5/2/2024 |
Adoption of the Debt Service Fund, Anti-Blight Programs Fund, Grants Fund, Stamford Harbor Management Fund, Marina Operating Fund, Parking Fund, Police Extra Duty Fund, EG Brennan Golf Course Fund, Terry Conners Ice Rink Fund, Active Medical Fund, Risk Management Fund and WPCA Fund Budgets for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 |
Res. No. 4276 |
5/6/2024 |
Amending the 2024 Board of Representatives Calendar for July’s meetings as follows: Regular Board Meeting date to July 8th; Steering Committee Meeting to July 15th and Submission Deadline to July 10th. |
Res. No. 4277 |
5/6/2024 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by adding an Appropriation of $2,500,000 for the Street Patch & Resurfacing Project and Authorizing $2,500,000 General Obligation Bonds Of The City to meet said Appropriation. |
Res. No. 4278 |
5/6/2024 |
Authorizing the Acceptance of Gift of a Seward Johnson Sculpture from the River Bend Center, LLC |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
5/6/2024 |
Congratulating Police Sergeant Adriana Molina on Being Named Stamford’s Citizen of the Year 2024 |
Res. No. 4279 |
5/15/2024 |
Recommendation that Full Board Complete Sensitivity Training |
Res. No. 4280 |
5/23/2024 |
Approving an Additional Tax Rate to Provide Funds to a Reserve Fund for Capital Nonrecurring Expenditures to Support the Funding of Future Capital Projects Under CGS §7-361 As Recommended by the Board of Finance for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. |
Res. No. 4281 |
6/3/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the CT Department Of Transportation for Bridge No. 04069 Lakeside Drive Bridge. |
Res. No. 4282 |
6/3/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into and Sign Agreements with the CT Department Of Transportation for Bridge No. 135009 Hunting Ridge Road |
Res. No. 4283 |
6/3/2024 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $3,516,878 for the Hunting Ridge Road Bridge Project and Authorizing $1,946,943 General Obligation Bonds of the City to Meet Said Appropriation. |
Res. No. 4284 |
6/3/2024 |
Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 by Adding an Appropriation of $4,158,249 for the Julia Stark Elementary Priority Project |
Res. No. 4285 |
6/3/2024 |
Approving Submittal of Attached List of Programs to the State Department of Revenue Services in Accordance with the Provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act. |
Res. No. 4286 |
6/3/2024 |
Approval of Location Plans for Automated Traffic Enforcement Safety Devices |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/3/2024 |
Acknowledging the Significant Contributions to the Transformation of Czescik Marina Park by Kathleen Mathews and Greg O'Neill. |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/3/2024 |
Congratulating Rabbi Joshua Hammerman on his Transition to Emeritus Status and Thanking him for his 37 Years of Service |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/3/2024 |
Congratulating Stillmeadow Elementary School Teacher Carolyn Tschinkel on being named the 2024-25 Stamford Public Schools Teacher of the Year. |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
6/3/2024 |
Congratulating Stark Elementary School Paraeducator Maritza Nuñez on being named the 2024-25 Stamford Public Schools Paraeducator of the Year |
Resolution No. 4287 |
7/8/2024 |
Amending the City of Stamford Parks and Recreation Commission Parks & Recreation Facility Regulations, per Code §175-1 |
Resolution No. 4288 |
7/8/2024 |
Authorizing Mayor Caroline Simmons to Execute a grant agreement with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection in the amount of $210,750.00 for the Cooler Stamford heat resilience action plan |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
7/8/2024 |
Congratulating Dominic Daniel Santagata on his 100th Birthday |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
7/8/2024 |
Congratulating Representative Bonnie Kim Campbell on her Retirement |
Resolution No. 4289 |
8/5/2024 |
Authorizing The Mayor To Enter Into And Sign Agreements With The U.S. Economic Development Administration For The East Harbor Canal Retaining Wall Project |
Resolution No. 4290 |
8/5/2024 |
Amending The Capital Budget For Fiscal Year 2023-2024 By Adding An Appropriation Of $12,685,000 For The Transfer Station Canal Wall Replacement Project And Authorizing $2,537,000 General Obligation Bonds Of The City To Meet Said Appropriation |
Resolution No. 4291 |
8/5/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to sign an Agreement with the Department of Emergency Services and public Protection for an EMPG Pool Grant |
Resolution No. 4292 |
8/5/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to Enter into and Sign Agreements with the State of CT Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection/Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security for the Regional EMPG Pool Grant Award |
Resolution No. 4293 |
8/5/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to sign an Agreement with CT Dept. of Children and Families for the Summer Youth Employment Program |
Resolution No. 4294 |
8/5/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to sign an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Transportation for assistance to implement a Speed and Aggressive Driving Enforcement Project |
Resolution No. 4295 |
8/5/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and sign agreements with the U.S. Department of Transportation for the West Side neighborhood connector project |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
8/5/2024 |
Condemning Racist and Antisemitic Vandalism at AITE |
Resolution No. 4298 |
9/3/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to sign an Agreement with the Connecticut Children's Medical Center for financial assistance to continue the Community Violence Intervention & Prevention Services Grant project |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
9/3/2024 |
Honoring Frances Lane on her service and dedication to the City of Stamford |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
9/3/2024 |
Congratulating Philip J. Giordano on his 97th Birthday |
Resolution No. 4296 |
10/7/2024 |
Lease agreement between the City of Stamford and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Resolution No. 4297 |
10/7/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and sign an agreement with the Connecticut Department of Environmental and Energy Protection for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Development |
Resolution No. 4305 |
10/7/2024 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and sign agreements with the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection for Weed Avenue multi-use trail design |
Resolution No. 4300 |
11/6/2024 |
Appointment of Members of the Board of Representatives to Attend Hearings of the Planning Board in Preparation of a Proposed Capital Program |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
11/6/2024 |
Commemoration of the 5 year anniversary of the founding of the Stamford Pride organization |
Resolution No. 4299 |
12/2/2024 |
Approving the 2025 Board of Representatives Calendar |
Resolution No. 4301 |
12/2/2024 |
Related to The Application for Non-Priority Solar Photovoltaic Purchase and Installation Grant for Westover Rooftop PV Panel Installation Project |
Resolution No. 4302 |
12/2/2024 |
Related to the Application for Non-Priority Solar Photovoltaic Purchase And Installation Grant for Strawberry Hill Rooftop PV Panel Installation Project |
Resolution No. 4303 |
12/2/2024 |
Approving a License and Use Agreement by and between the Boys and Girls Club of Stamford and The Stamford Public Schools (Use of Classroom Space for SPS’ STEPS Program) |
Resolution No. 4304 |
12/2/2024 |
Approving a License and Operating Agreement between the City of Stamford and Oh My Gosh LLC for management & Operation of Full Food Services at the Government Center Patio Café 1st and 4th Floor |
Sense of the Board Resolution |
12/2/2024 |
Honoring Mr. John Lee Baldwin |
Resolution No. 4306 |
1/6/2025 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) for the John Boccuzzi Park Phase 2 Project #CP3159 (formerly #012662) |
Resolution No. 4307 |
1/6/2025 |
Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Services (FS) for the IRA Growing Together Stamford Project |