Any committee of the Board of Representatives can initiate the process of enacting an ordinance, although most are undertaken in the Legislative & Rules Committee.  Ordinances are introduced for many reasons:  the State may pass enabling legislation that permits Stamford to increase tax relief for senior citizens or veterans, a district representative may want to amend the noise ordinance by setting the hours construction may occur or a committee may wish to increase penalties for graffiti.

The committee undertaking the ordinance reviews the matter, approves the language and makes its recommendation to the full Board to approve the ordinance for publication and public hearing.  The committee then holds a public hearing.  When the committee is satisfied with the final language, it makes a recommendation to the full Board for final adoption.  The ordinance is then signed by the President, the Clerk of the Board and the Mayor.  Unless otherwise provided for, the ordinance is in legal effect ten days after the Mayor signs it.

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