Stamford Board of Representatives

Upcoming Meetings:


Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Committee Meeting  - Agenda - This meeting will be held in the Democratic Caucus Room, 4th Floor, Government Center, 888 Washington Blvd., Stamford, CT and remotely and can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone at at – Webinar ID 825 5752 5150 ; or by telephone at 1-646-558-8656 – Webinar ID: 825 5752 5150 6:30 p.m.
Education Committee Meeting  - Agenda This meeting will be held remotely and can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone at at – Webinar ID 894 8168 6334; or by telephone at 1-646-558-8656 – Webinar ID: 894 8168 6334

7:00 p.m.

Regular Board Meeting  - Agenda - This meeting will be held in the Legislative Chambers, 4th Floor, Government Center, 888 Washington Blvd., Stamford, CT and remotely and can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone at at – Webinar ID 814 7054 1826.; or by telephone at 1-646-558-8656 – Webinar ID: 814 7054 1826

6:30 p.m.

SIGN UP TO SPEAK AT THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING:  Please email or call 203-977-4024 if you wish to speak at the Board Meeting.  The sign up period will end at 2:00 p.m. on 11/06/2024.  Board rules provide that the President may keep good order and decorum in any manner authorized by Robert’s Rules of Order, and, for the avoidance of doubt, may shorten or cancel the speaking time of any speaker during the public comment period deemed in the President's sole discretion to be disruptive or unruly.  Personal attacks against Board members will be considered disruptive conduct and will not be permitted.  
Outside Counsel/High Ridge Litigation Committee Meeting   - Agenda This meeting will be held remotely and can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone at at – Webinar ID 817 3310 7183 ; or by telephone at 1-646-558-8656 – Webinar ID: 817 3310 7183 7:00 p.m. 11/07/2024 


Agendas & Minutes:


Regular Board of Representatives Meeting Agenda 11/06/2024
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes and Video 10/15/2024
SPECIAL Board of Representatives Meeting Action Report and Video 10/16/2024
Board of Representatives Regular Board Meeting Action Report and Video (Due to technical issues, the first few minutes of the video has no sound.) 10/07/2024
Board of Representatives Regular Board Meeting Minutes and Video 09/03/2024
Operations Committee Meeting Agenda and Video 10/21/2024
Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes and Video 10/21/2024
Appointments Committee Meeting Agenda and Video 10/22/2024
State & Commerce Committee Meeting Agenda CANCELLED!! 10/23/2024
Housing/Community Development/Social Services Committee Meeting Minutes and Video 10/24/2024 
Parks and Recreation Agenda and Video 10/24/2024
 Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Committee Agenda and Video 10/24/2024 
Fiscal Committee Meeting Agenda and Video 10/28/2024
Legislative & Rules Committee Meeting Agenda and Video 10//29/2024
Public Safety & Health Committee Meeting Agenda and Video 10/30/2024
Transportation Committee Meeting Agenda and Video 10/30/2024
Education Committee Meeting Agenda 11/04/2024
Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Committee Meeting Agenda 11/04/2024
Outside Counsel/High Ridge Litigation Committee Meeting Agenda 11/07/2024
JOINT Meeting of Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Agenda and Parks and Recreation Committees Agenda 11/13/2024






Open House Stamford 2035 Comprehensive Plan  
SAVE THE DATE:  Holiday Party at Pellicci's  12/10/2024
 SAVE THE DATE: Urban Plan for Public Officials  1/28/2025


Boards and Commissions Agendas/Minutes:

Link to Board of EducationAgendas and Minutes Public Packets and Video Page   
Link to City of Stamford Meeting Calendar  
Link to Boards and Commissions List