Res. No. 2550 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the CT Dept. of Public Safety, Division of State Police; implementation of the CT National Incident-Based Reporting System that will help define the extent of violence against women through improved reporting

Res. No. 2551 


Requests acceptance of West Rock Trail, West Knoblock Lane and Knoblock Lane as city streets under Charter Division 2 and capital projects section C8-20-1 to C8-20-11 and Division 6, section C8-60-1 to C8-60-17.

Res. No. 2552 


Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the Department of Social Services of the State of Connecticut for a program of counseling services to the elderly.

Res. No. 2553 


Authorizes allocation of state funds for Smith House.

Res. No. 2554 


Urges leadership to work for the passage of the recommendations of the blue ribbon Commission to study affordable housing.

Res. No. 2555 


Requests that the public health and well-being statute Sec. 19a—342 be revised to prohibit smoking in all public places statewide or be modified to allow enactment in individual cities.

Res. No. 2556 


Requested acceptance of Georgian Court as a City street under Charter Part  8 and Part 6 (Special Assessment).

Res. No. 2557 


Authorizes extension of Southeast Quadrant Plan and URC as the Development Agency until July 5, 2000. 

Res. No. 2558 


Requests State Legislators to pass enabling legislation for Stamford police officers to receive training and certification for defibrillator use.

Res. No. 2559 


Authorizes bonding for an additional appropriation for the restoration of the Old Town Hall in the amount of $400,000.

Res. No. 2560 


Authorizes that an anti-blight ordinance that includes a provision for fines be adopted and revisited one year after its authorization.

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Polish People in Stamford as on May 3, 2000 they Commemorate the 209th Anniversary of the Adoption of Poland’s First Constitution

Res. No. 2561 


Authorizes the Mayor to submit school readiness and child day care.

Res. No. 2562 


Authorizes the City to receive grant funds from the State through its Department of Health to operate a supplemental food program for low income women, infants and children entirely finances by the state and federal government.

Res. No. 2563 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State Department of Social Services regarding a maternal and child health grant.

Res. No. 2564 


Authorizes the Mayor to sign a contract and receive grant funds from the State for the purposes of operating a program for the treatment and control of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Res. No. 2565 


Authorizes the Mayor to apply under the Social Services Block Grant for a program of counseling services to the elderly.

Res. No. 2566 


Authorizes mayor to submit a grant application and enter into agreements with the State of Connecticut’s Department of Education for a quality enhancement grant.

Res. No. 2567 


Authorizes an agreement with the State Department of Public Health Services regarding HIV/AIDS counseling, testing, education and risk reduction program.

Res. No. 2568 


Authorizes the Mayor to apply for a contract for a Community Employment Incentive Program Grant.

Res. No. 2569 


Authorizes the Mayor to Enter into an agreement with the Connecticut Department of health Services regarding an Immunization Action Program Grant.

Res. No. 2570 


Resolution that the Stamford School Building Committee is the committee for school construction grants.

Res. No. 2571 


Authorizes the Mayor to sign contract on behalf of the City of Stamford and the Department of Public Health to conduct a Preventive Health Services program.

Res. No. 2572 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into a contract for the Child Care Program.

Res. No. 2573 


Authorizes the filing of an application with the Department of Transportation for an urbanized area formula grant.

Res. No. 2574 


Resolution establishing the Stamford School Building Committee for school construction grants.

Res. No. 2575 


Approves the building permit fee schedule for commercial and residential.

Res. No. 2576 


Authorizes the Mayor to submit the Year 26 consolidated plan for the Community Development Program.

Res. No. 2577 


Sets the fees for use of the public scale and establishes a license for weighing and measuring devices.

Res. No. 2578 


Sets fees for tree spraying equipment registration and certification of vehicles.

Res. No. 2579 


Concerns barbershop and hairdressing and /or cosmetology shop license fees.

Res. No. 2580 


Authorizes the City to create a personal property tax district for the purpose of taxing personal property.

Res. No. 2581 


Approves miscellaneous building permit fees.

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating K.T. Murphy School on their Centennial Celebration on May 19, 2000

Res. No. 2582 


Adopts the Operating Budget (including the board of Education Budget) for Fiscal year July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001.

Res. No. 2583 


Adopts the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001.

Res. No. 2584 


Adopts the E. G. Brennan Fund for Fiscal Year July 1, 200 to June 30, 2001 in the amount of $900,700.

Res. No. 2585 


Adopts grants and Police Extra Duty Fund in the amount of $12,826,219.

Res. No. 2586 


Adopts the Risk Management Fund Budget for Fiscal Year July 1,2000 to June 30, 2001 in the amount of $5,721,717.

Res. No. 2587 


Adopts the Smith House Fund for Fiscal Year July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001 in the amount of $9,400,965.

Res. No. 2588 


Adopts the WPCA fund for Fiscal Year July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001 in the amount of $10,553,908.

Res. No. 2589 


Approves submittal of program listing to the State Department of Revenue Services in accordance with the provision of the R.E. Van Norstrand Neighborhood Assistance Act. (P.A. 95-268)

Res. No. 2590 


Authorizes the Bonding for Capital Budget Additional Appropriation for the Urban Transitway (Dock Street Connector) in the amount of $1,250,000.

Res. No. 2591 


Approves fee schedule for food service establishment licenses and service fees.

Res. No. 2592 


Approves the permit fee schedule for the collection and transfer of refuse.

Res. No. 2593 


Approves extension of Southeast Quadrant Plan and URC as Development Agency until July 5, 2004.

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Nicholas Pavia on his ordination as a Roman Catholic Priest

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Gerald Rasmussen upon his retirement as Executive Director of the Stamford Museum and Nature Center

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Officer Holt upon his election as Stamford’s Police Officer of the Year

Res. No. 2594 


Authorizes the Mayor to sign contracts and amendments with the State Department of Children and Families to conduct a Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program.

Res. No. 2595 


Authorizes bonding for an additional appropriation for Dial-a-Ride Bus Purchases in the amount of $301,900.

Res. No. 2596 


Approves fee schedule for various health inspections and tests.

Res. No. 2597 


Approves annual plan review fees for food service establishment.

Res. No. 2598 


Approves fees for Terry Conners Ice Rink for the 2000-2001 fiscal year.

Res. No. 2599 


Approves fees for all city fields for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. 

Res. No. 2600 


Approves fee schedule adopted by the Personnel Commission for Civil Service Examinations.

Sense of the Board Res.


Thanking Dr. Angelo Mastrangelo for his Decades of Public Service to City of Stamford Residents

Res. No. 2601 


Amends the Capital Budget for fiscal year 1999-2000 for the Department of Operations, Public Services/Solid Waste for wheel loader.

Res. No. 2602 


Approves Capital Appropriation amending the Capital Budget for fiscal year 1998-1999 for the Water Pollution Control Authority by increasing the appropriation for Coachlamp Lane.

Res. No. 2603 


Approves various school construction grants.

Res. No. 2604 


Approves additional Capital Appropriation amending the Capital Budget for fiscal year 2000-2001 for Audio/video security monitoring system for the Police Department.

Res. No. 2605 


Approves additional Capital Appropriation amending the Capital Budget for fiscal year 2000-2001 for a water main extension for Cedar Heights/Rapids Road under the Department of Operations (Water and Sewer).

Res. No. 2606 


Authorizes the Mayor to file application and to enter into agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice for Assistance provided through the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant.

Res. No. 2607 


Additional Capital Appropriation amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Department of Operations – Engineering Bureau by adding a new appropriation for Project No.  West Main Street Bridge.

Res. No. 2608 


Additional Capital Appropriation Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Department of Operations – Land Use Bureau by increasing the Appropriation for Project No C066352 open space acquisition.

Res. No. 2609 


Additional Capital Appropriation amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Stamford Museum by adding a new appropriation for Studio Building Water Line.

Res. No. 2610 


Amending the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Board of Education by adding a new appropriation for School Technology Wiring.

Res. No. 2611 


Correcting a Scrivener’s Error in Ordinance 939 Supplemental concerning a tax abatement for the First Haitian Free Methodist Church.

Res. No. 2612 


Concerns approval of a contract for exchange of land for private redevelopment reuse Parcel 21.

Res. No. 2613 


Requests acceptance of Holly Cove Circle as a City street.

Res. No. 2614 


Requests acceptance of Fox Glen Drive as a City street.

Res. No. 2615 


Authorizes the City to enter into a Conservation Easement with the State for thirty-five acres of property in the Mianus River Watershed.

Res. No. 2616 


Board supports the Grenhart Road Reconstruction Project. 

Res. No. 2617 


Concerns Park and Marina Fees for Year 2001

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Ruth Powers for her years of public service

Res. No. 2618 


Board supports the Signal System Hardware Upgrade Projects.

Res. No. 2619 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 in the amount of $761,440 for Mill River Pedestrian and Bicycle Route.

Res. No. 2620 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 in the amount of $2,402,700 for Project No. 9270-0240CP for Pumping Station Upgrade.

Res. No. 2621 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 by adding a new appropriation for FA City General Appropriation Thermal Imaging Units.

Res. No. 2622 


Authorizes the Mayor to file application with the State Library for an Historic Preservation Grant.

Res. No. 2623 


Approves School Construction Grants.

Res. No. 2624 


Amends the Capital Budget for fiscal Year 2000-2001 by adding a new appropriation in the amount of $44,445 for Selleck Street.

Res. No. 2625 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal year 2000-2001 by adding a new appropriation in the amount of $25,700 for Paving Apparatus Ramp.

Res. No. 2626 


Authorizes Application under the Social Services Block Grant in order to support a Program of Counseling Services to the Elderly.

Res. No. 2627 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Health to conduct a Preventive Health Services Program.

Res. No. 2628 


Enables the City to receive grant funds from the State to operate a Supplemental Food Program for Low Income Women, Infants and Children.

Res. No. 2629 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into a contract for the Child Care Services Program

Res. No. 2630 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State for a School Readiness and Child Care Day Care.

Res. No. 2631 


Authorizes the Filing of an Application with the Department of Transportation for an Urbanized Area Formula Grant.

Res. No. 2632 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Department of Justice provided through the local Law Enforcement Block Grant.

Res. No. 2633 


Resolution authorizes a contract for a Community Employment Incentive Program Grant.

Res. No. 2634 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State for a grant program of Healthy Start Maternal and Child Health Services.

Res. No. 2635 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging for a Senior Citizens Health Program.

Res. No. 2636 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Connecticut Department of Children and Families regarding a Youth Services Bureau Grant.

Res. No. 2637 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of education regarding a Quality Enhancement Program Grant.

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating the Stamford High Hockey Team on its state championship

Res. No. 2638 


Approves an amendment to the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2000/01 Stamford Fire and Rescue by adding a new appropriation for Project No. C46043, South and Fire Station.

Res. No. 2639 


Approves the name of The William Pitt Child Development Center of Stamford for the former site of the Board of Education offices at 195 Hillandale Avenue Building.

Res. No. 2640 


Authorizes the Mayor to submit the year 27 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Program.

Res. No. 2641 


Request Assistance from the State for Dial-A-Ride.

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating the Stamford High Hockey Team on its state championship

Res. No. 2642 


Approves Operating Budget (Including Board of Education Budget) for Fiscal Year July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002 in the amount of $314,249,938.

Res. No. 2643 


Approves adoption of the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002 in the amount of $39,922,744.

Res. No. 2644 


Approves adoption of the E.G. Brennan Fund, the grants and Police Extra Duty Fund, the Risk Management Fund, the Smith House Fund and the WPCA Fund for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002.

Res. No. 2645 


Approves the List of Programs to the State Department of Revenue Services in accordance with the provision of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act.

Res. No. 2646 


Approves the Second Amendment of a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City of Stamford and Cornerstone/Bayview Inc.

Res. No. 2647 


Approves name change of a portion of Fairfield Avenue to Shore Road.

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Bruce Rosa for being elected Police Officer of the Year

Sense of the Board Res.


Commending the participating students of Westhill High School for being awarded the Democracy in Action Award

Res. No. 2648 


Approves amendment to the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-02 for the Water Pollution Control Authority by adding a new appropriation for  Project No. CP8200 Water Pollution Control Facility Improvements and Expansion.

Res. No. 2649 


Authorizes the Mayor to file an application with the State of Connecticut for funding assistance for pollution abatement facilities.

Res. No. 2650 


Approves fee schedule for Terry Conners Ice Rink for the year 2001-2002

Res. No. 2651 


Approves recommitment of the May 16, 2001 Redistricting Report back to the Reapportionment Commission.

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating the Stamford High School Baseball Team for Winning the State Championship

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Mary Jo Pittoni on her election as Stamford’s Teacher of the Year

Res. No. 2652 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 in the amount of $26,509 for the Big Five Volunteer Fire Departments.

Res. No. 2653 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 in the amount of $1,385,000 for sanitary sewers for the Den Road Area.

Res. No. 2654 


Approves a school construction grant for code violations at Cloonan Middle School.

Res. No. 2655 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the state for the construction of Studio Road Bridge and Buckingham Drive Bridge

Res. No. 2656 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 in the amount of $1,285,000 for the replacement of Buckingham Drive Bridge.

Res. No. 2657 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 in the amount of $986,500 for the replacement of Studio Road Bridge. 

Res. No. 2658 


Approves the purchase of 60-70 Main Street from Morton B. Kahn Realty Association. 

Res. No. 2659 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 in the amount of $142,962 for Technology Infrastructure – School Wiring.

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring the late Ralph Lockhart

Res. No. 2660 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 by adding a new appropriation for project No. C06352 in the amount of $145,962 (Open Space Acquisition by $214,527).

Res. No. 2661 


Concerns the City of Stamford Public Marina Rules Policy.

Res. No. 2662 


Concerns the City of Stamford Beach Sticker Sales Policy.

Res. No. 2663 


Concerns the Acceptance of a Gift of a Sculpture entitled “Shadowsphere VI”

Res. No. 2664 


Concerns the Acceptance of the Redistricting Plan of the Reapportionment Commission        

Res. No. 2665 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 by adding a new appropriation in the amount of $47,000 for Government Center Security

Res. No. 2666 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 by increasing the appropriation for multi-use trails in Koscuiszko Park by $116,900.

Res. No. 2667 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 in the amount of $325,000 for open space acquisition (205 Magee Avenue).

Res. No. 2668 


Approves the Mill River Corridor Project Plan and names the Stamford Connecticut Urban Redevelopment Commission as Redevelopment Agency.

Res. No. 2669 


Authorizes the Mayor to file application with the National Park Services for monetary assistance to make trail improvements in Kosciuszko Park.

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Carmen L. Domokos for her many years of service to the City of Stamford

Res. No. 2670 


Approves application to the State to undertake the Summer Street Realignment Project in the amount of $275,000.   

Res. No. 2671 


Approves Agreement with the State for the Replacement of the Farms Road Bridge (No. 05008) to use federal funds.

Res. No. 2672 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 by increasing the appropriation for open space acquisition of 60 & 70 Main Street.

Res. No. 2673 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 1998-1999 by increasing the appropriation for property revaluation by $95,000.

Res. No. 2674 


Approves acceptance of West Rock Trail, West Knobloch Lane and Knobloch Lane as City streets.

Res. No. 2675 


Approves Marina Fees for Year 2002.

Res. No. 2676 


Approves E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course fees.

Res. No. 2677 


Approves name of Uconn property Scofield Magnet Middle School

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Louis DeCarlo on his nomination as Police Chief

Res. No. 2678 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into contract for the child care program.

Res. No. 2679 


Authorizes issuance of City of Stamford, Connecticut General Obligation Multi-Modal Variable Rate Demand Refunding Bonds, Series 2007 and Series 2008.

Res. No. 2680 


Approval to file application and prepare schematic drawings and outline specifications for school construction grants for technology infrastructure at Turn of River Middle School and Dolan Middle School.

Res. No. 2681 


Increases the membership of the School Building Committee by adding five members.

Res. No. 2682 


Approves a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and Propark, Inc., for property owned by St. John’s Roman Catholic Church.

Res. No. 2683 


Approves administrative fee for police extra duty services.

Res. No. 2684 


Authorizes the City of Stamford, Office of Administration to adopt a new administrative fee schedule – assessor's aerial maps, return check fee

Res. No. 2685 


Authorizes the City of Stamford to adopt a new zoning permit fee schedule.

Res. No. 2686 


Authorizes the City of Stamford to adopt a new administrative fee schedule for GIS services.

Res. No. 2687 


Concerns the disposal of appliances with freon.

Res. No. 2688 


Concerns traffic control training.

Res. No. 2689 


Concerns the purchase of the Bartlett Arboretum Property at 151 Brookdale Road.  (Quit Claim Deed attachment – Bartlett Arboretum)

Res. No. 2690 


Authorizes the City of Stamford to enter into a lease with Bartlett Arboretum Association, Inc.

Res. No. 2691 


Concerns picnic and park permit fees.

Res. No. 2692 


Concerns beach pass fees.

Res. No. 2693 


Concerns marinas: non-resident fees after April 1.

Res. No. 2694 


Concerns recreation program fees.

Res. No. 2695 


Concerns self-sustaining Parks & Recreation program fees.

Res. No. 2696 


Concerns Terry Connors Ice Rink fees.

Res. No. 2697 


Establishes dates beach stickers are required.

Res. No. 2698 


Establishes a rental of marina slips by non-residents policy.

Res. No. 2699 


Establishes criteria for eligibility for senior rates for Park & Recreation activities. 

Res. No. 2700 


Concerns City parking garage fees.

Res. No. 2701 


Concerns metered parking fees.

Res. No. 2702 


Concerns train station parking permits.

Res. No. 2703 


Certifies application to the State for $2,000,000 for improvements to the Bartlett Arboretum.

Res. No. 2704 


Additional Capital Appropriation amending the capital budget for fiscal year 2001-02 for Bureau of Engineering -Operations for Project No C16018.

Res. No. 2705 


Authorizes the Mayor to submit an application to the State Department of Environmental Protection in the amount of $25,000 to facilitate better public access to Long Island Sound.

Res. No. 2706 


Authorizes the filing of an application with the US Department of Transportation (Dial-A-Ride, Urban Transitway Project).

Res. No. 2707 


Authorizes a contract for a community employment incentive program grant.

Res. No. 2708 


Authorizes an application under the Social Services Block Grant to support a program of counseling services to the elderly.

Res. No. 2709 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services regarding a Maternal and Child Health Grant.

Res. No. 2710 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into contract for the Child Care Program (Stamford Day Care Program).

Res. No. 2711 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Education regarding a Quality Enhancement Program Grant.

Res. No. 2712 


Health Education Risk Deduction

Res. No. 2713 


Authorizes the Mayor to submit a grant application with the State for School Readiness and Child Day Care

Res. No. 2714 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging for a Senior Citizens Health Program

Res. No. 2715 


 Enables the City to receive grant fund to operate a supplemental food program for low income women, infants, and children (WIC) Nutrition Program.

Res. No. 2716 


Approves resolution for school construction grants.

Res. No. 2717 


Authorizes the Mayor to file application with the US Dept. of Justice for Assistance provided through the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant.

Res. No. 2718 


Authorizes an agreement with the State Department of Public Health Services regarding an HIV/AIDS Counseling, Testing, Education and Risk Reduction Program.

Res. No. 2719 


Authorizes the Mayor to Enter into an Agreement with the Connecticut Department of Children and Families Regarding a Youth Services Bureau (YSB) Grant.

Res. No. 2720 


Approves an additional capital appropriation for the Board of Education for an energy performance contract for the amount of $6,100,000.

Res. No. 2721 


Authorizes the issuance and sale of not exceeding $48,000,000 for general obligation refunding bonds for the City of Stamford.

Res. No. 2722 


Authorizes the City Planning Board to adopt a new administrative fee schedule.

Res. No. 2723 


Authorizes the City Planning Board to adopt a new administrative fee for agenda subscriptions.

Res. No. 2724 


Approves inclusion of the Courtland Avenue Reconstruction Project in the Transportation Improvement Program.

Res. No. 2725 


Approves Coordination and access easement agreement between the City of Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission, Park Square West and Target Corp.

Res. No. 2726 


Approves a Lease between the City of Stamford and Domus Foundation

Res. No. 2727 


Approves Parks & Recreation fees and fines.

Res. No. 2728 


Approves a lease between the City of Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission and Park Square West I Limited Partnership.

Res. No. 2729 


Authorizes the City of Stamford Zoning Board of Appeals to adopt a new fee schedule for Extension of Time Requests.

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating the Trinity High School Girls Basketball Team on winning the state championship  Link

Res. No. 2730 


Approves adoption of the Operating Budget including the Board of Education Budget in the amount of $325,323,376.00 for Fiscal Year July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003.

Res. No. 2731 


Adoption of EG Brennan Fund, The Grants, Police Extra Duty and Marinas Operating Fund, The Risk Management Fund, The Smith House Fund, and the WPCA Fund for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003.

Res. No. 2732 


Adoption of the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2002 to June 30, 2003.

Res. No. 2733 


Approves Submittal of Program List to the State Department of Revenue Services in accordance with the Provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act.

Res. No. 2734 


Adopted resolution for school construction grants.

Res. No. 2735 


Amends the capital budget for fiscal year 2001-02 Department of Public Services – highways by adding a new appropriation for parking meters.

Res. No. 2736 


Authorizes the Mayor to act for the City in the sale of city-owned land located at 25 Burwood Avenue. Link

Res. No. 2737 


Authorizes the Mayor to act for the City in the sale of 27 Burwood Avenue. Link

Res. No. 2738 


Approves a lease between the City of Stamford and the federal government on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency. Link

Res. No. 2739 


Establishes Emergency Water Regulations.

Res. No. 2740 


Establishes a non-resident Beach Sticker Policy. Link

Res. No. 2741 


Approves E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course Fees. Link

Res. No. 2742 


Amends Resolution No. 2675 to approve the fee schedule for Dinghy Slips. Link

Res. No. 2743 


Authorizes the Mayor to submit the year 28 annual action plan for the Community Development Program of the City of Stamford. 

Sense of the Board Res.


Commemorating the 111th Anniversary of Poland’s first constitution Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Sam Cingari on being selected Stamford’s 2002 Citizen of the Year Link

Res. No. 2744 


Amends the Capital budget in the amount of $267,500 for fiscal year 2001-02  for the Department of Operations for the Daugherty Murals.

Res. No. 2745 


Authorizes application to the State for $150,000 to undertake the Forest Street Intersection Improvement Project.

Res. No. 2746 


Approves the Stamford School Building Committee for school construction projects for the Inter-District Magnet at Rippowam.

Res. No. 2747 


Approves submittal of programs to the State Department of Revenue Service in accordance with the provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act.

Res. No. 2748 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into contract with the State of Connecticut Library for an Historic Preservation Grant.

Res. No. 2749 


Approves a contract for conveyance of land from the Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission to Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church. 

Res. No. 2750 


Approves a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and Congressman Christopher Shays. Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Julia A. Stark School on its 75th Anniversary Link

Res. No. 2751 


Approves the Southern Fairfield Mutual Police Assistance Compact.

Res. No. 2752 


Approves an agreement with the Stamford Cultural Development Corporation.

Res. No. 2753 


Amends Resolution No. 2740 regarding non-resident beach sticker policy.

Res. No. 2754 


Approves an agreement with Vollmer Assoc. for inspection services for the Studio Road and Buckingham Drive bridges.

Res. No. 2755 


Approves Resolution No. 2755 concerning application for tax exempt status.

Res. No. 2756 


Approves an additional Capital Appropriation in the amount of $6,100,000 for the Board of Education for an Energy Performance Contract.

Res. No. 2757 


Amends the Capital Budget for fiscal year 2002-03 in the amount of $155,000 for Traffic Engineering for street improvements at Forest at Prospect Street.

Res. No. 2758 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut for open space acquisition.

Res. No. 2759 


Approves modification of the fee for a film/video permit charged by the City of Stamford’s Parks & Recreation Department. 

Sense of the Board Res.


Thanking Dena Diorio, Budget Director for her years of service Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Angel L. Gonzalez on being named Stamford’s Police Officer of the Year Link

Res. No. 2760 


Approves an agreement with MBIA Municipal investors service for investment advisory services. 

Res. No. 2761 


Approves an agreement with Fairfield County Communications, Inc. for telecommunications maintenance and consulting services. 

Res. No. 2762 


Approves an agreement with AG Consulting for an HRIS Service Upgrade. 

Res. No. 2763 


Approves an employment agreement with Sybil V. Richards for a position as Deputy Corporation Counsel for a term of five years. 

Res. No. 2764 


Approves an agreement with Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas, Inc. for engineering services. 

Res. No. 2765 


Approves an extension of an agreement with Stamford Emergency Medical Services. 

Res. No. 2766 


Amends Resolution No. 2692 by reducing the weekday picnic parking fee from $15 to $5 for non-profits, city agencies and schools. 

Sense of the Board Res.


Thanking Dena Diorio, Budget Director for her years of service Link

Res. No. 2767 


Authorizes the Mayor to execute a contract with the Department of Environmental Protection of the State of Connecticut for the America-the-Beautiful grant. 

Res. No. 2768 


Authorizes an application to the State for $170,000 to undertake the Forest Street Intersection Improvement Project. 

Res. No. 2769 


Approves a lease between the City of Stamford and Connecticut Quality transmissions for space adjacent to 80 Magee Avenue. 

Res. No. 2770 


Approves pro-rating of marina fees (full season and after Labor Day.) 

Sense of the Board Res.


Commemorating October 2002 as Polish Heritage Month Link

Res. No. 2771 


Amends the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03 by adding a new appropriation in the amount of $240,000 for apparatus replacement for Stamford Fire Department . 

Res. No. 2772 


Approves purchase of 14.6 acres of land located on the west side of Riverbank Road from the State. 

Res. No. 2773 


Authorizes the Mayor to execute contracts with the Department of Health of the State of Connecticut for the Bioterrorism Response Preparedness Grant 

Res. No. 2774 


Approves amendment to an agreement with Purcell Associates for the reconstruction of North Street. 

Res. No. 2775 


Approves a contract with Fitzgerald & Halliday, Inc. for a multi-modal Service Study at the Stamford Transportation Center. 

Sense of the Board Res.


Regarding Bedford and Bell Street parking garages. 

Sense of the Board Res.


congratulating the Child Care Learning Centers on its 100th Anniversary Link

Sense of the Board Res.


honoring Sergeant Robert Tymon for his forty years of service Link

Res. No. 2776 


Authorizing the Mayor to file an application and enter into an agreement with the State Department of Public Health for the purpose of providing a cardiovascular health program for Stamford residents [not in book] 

Res. No. 2777 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut to receive funding assistance for the City’s purchase of two wheel chair equipped paratransit vehicles. 

Res. No. 2778 


Authorizes an agreement with the State Department of Public Health Services regarding an EMS equipment grant. 

Res. No. 2779 


Approves authorization of issuance and sale of City of Stamford General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $127,000,000. 

Res. No. 2780 


Approves request for acceptance of Deer Lane as a City street. 

Res. No. 2781 


Approves a settlement agreement between URC and Sidney Epstein. 

Res. No. 2782 


Amends Section 3.0 of contract between the City and Park Square West regarding hours of operation. 

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Bobby Owens for his years of Service Link

Res. No. 2783 


Authorizes the Mayor to renter into contract for the Child Care Program. 

Res. No. 2784 


Enable the City to receive grant funds from the state for the purposes of operating a supplemental food program for WIC nutrition program. 

Res. No. 2785 


Amending Capital Budgets for fiscal year 2002-03 in the amount of $10,713,825. 

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating the students at Scofieldtown Middle Magnet School on their outstanding accomplishments in the Fourth Connecticut Lego League Competition Challenge for 2002 City Sites Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating the students at Hart Magnet School on their outstanding accomplishments in the Fourth Connecticut Lego League Competition Challenge for 2002 City Sites Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Encouraging the State to increase the Local Option for the Veterans Exemption Link

Res. No. 2786 


Approves amendment to an agreement with AFB Construction Management of Trumbull for Stamford High School code compliance. 

Res. No. 2787 


Approves marina fees for calendar year 2003:  the 2002 rates plus nine percent. 

Res. No. 2788 


Approves increase of hours of enforcement of parking meter regulations on Bedford Street and Bell Street garages from 8am to 12midnight. 

Res. No. 2789 


Initiates the Charter Revision Commission under Home Rule Law (C.G.S.) Link

Res. No. 2790 


Approves appointment of the members to the 16th Charter Revision Commission. Link

Res. No. 2791 


Approves charge of the 16th Charter Revision Commission. Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating the Rev. Winton Hill III on being selected Stamford’s 2002 Citizen of the Year by the Jewish War Veterans Post 142 Link

Res. No. 2792 


Authorizes the Mayor to file an application and execute a contract with the State Library for a Historic Preservation Grant. Link

Res. No. 2793 


Approves adoption of fees for the agility portion of  Civil Service Exams for police officer candidates. Link

Res. No. 2794 


Approves a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and Heyman Properties, LLC. Link

Res. No. 2795 


Accepts Deer Lane as a City Street. 

Res. No. 2796 


Amend Res. No. 2692 concerning beach pass fees. Link

Res. No. 2797 


Amends Resolution No. 2753 regarding non-resident beach sticker policy. Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Requesting the State to consider returning 25% of the revenue collected from moving violations tickets in Stamford 

Res. No. 2798 


Authorizes the Mayor to sign contracts on behalf of the City and the State Department of Public Health  to conduct a Cardiovascular health Program. Link

Res. No. 2799 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Connecticut Department of Education regarding a Youth Services Bureau Grant. Link

Res. No. 2800 


Authorizes an Agreement with the State Department of Public Health Services Regarding an HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction Program. Link

Res. No. 2801 


Authorizes the Filing of Grant Application with the U.S. Department of Transportation. Link

Res. No. 2802 


Authorizes the Application under the Social Services Block Grant in order to support a Program of Counseling Services to the Elderly. Link

Res. No. 2803 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Education regarding a Quality Enhancement Program Grant. Link

Res. No. 2804 


Authorizes the Mayor to sign contracts and any amendments on behalf of he City and the Department of Public Health to conduct a Preventive Health Services Program. Link

Res. No. 2805 


Authorizes the Mayor to submit a grant application with the State of Connecticut for School Readiness and Child Day Care. Link

Res. No. 2806 


Authorizes the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Southwestern Connecticut Agency on Aging for a Senior Citizens Health Program. Link

Res. No. 2807 


Approves exemption of Active-Duty Military Personnel from beach pass fees.   Link

Res. No. 2808 


Approves E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course Fees for FY 2003-04. Link

Res. No. 2809 


Approves Adoption of the Operating Budget for FY 2003-04 Link

Res. No. 2810 


Approves Adoption of the Board of Education Budget FY 2003-04 Link

Res. No. 2811 


Approves Adoption of the E.G. Brennan Fund; the Grants, Police Extra Duty and Marinas Fund; the Risk Management Fund; The Smith House Fund and the WPCA Fund for FY 2003-04. [See Res. No. 2814 ] Link

Res. No. 2812 


Approves Adoption of the WPCA Capital Budget for FY 2003-04. Link

Res. No. 2813 


Approves Adoption of the Capital Budget for FY 2003-04. Link

Res. No. 2814 


Amending Resolution No. 2811 For the adoption of the E.G. Brennan fund; the grants, police extra duty and marinas fund; the risk management fund; the smith house fund; and the wpca fund for the fiscal year July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004 

Res. No. 2815 


Approves an Extension for New Neighborhoods Development at Hoyt and Franklin Streets. Link

Res. No. 2816 


Approves an Agreement for Lease of Parking Facilities – Tresser Blvd. And Bell Street. 

Res. No. 2817 


Approves the Bedford Street Merchants Parking Lot Lease. 

Res. No. 2818 


Authorizes the Mayor to sign a contract and receive grant funds from the State for the purposes of operating a program for the Treatment and Control of Tuberculosis and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Anne McDonald for her many years of service in the State Legislature Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating The Rev. Robert Perry on his 30th Anniversary as Pastor of Union Baptist Church Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Recognizing the 212th Anniversary of the Polish constitution Link

Res. No. 2819 


Authoring the Mayor to submit the year 29 annual action plan for the community development program of the City of Stamford, Connecticut Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Trinity Catholic High for winning the State Championship 

Res. No. 2820 


Amending Resolution No. 2811 Regarding Adoption of the WPCA Capital Budget Fiscal year July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004 Link

Res. No. 2821 


Certified Resolution NO. 2821 Authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement “Project Grant Agreement between the State of Connecticut and the City of Stamford under the Local Bridge Program for Soundview Avenue over Brook, Bridge No. 04170.    Link

Res. No. 2822 


Certified Resolution No. 2822 for School Construction Grants Link

Res. No. 2823 


Certified Resolution 2823 Resolution approving submittal of attached list of programs to the State Department of Revenue Services in accordance with the provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Trinity Catholic High for winning State Basketball Championships Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Dr. Paul Erdelyi for his 40 years of service to the City of Stamford Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Howard Jennings on his 40 years of service to the City of Stamford Board of Education Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Thanking Anthony Iton, MD for his service to the City of Stamford as Director of Health and Social Services and School Medical Advisor Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Sister Pietrina Mazzola on receiving the Honor of a Papal Decoration – Proecclesia Link

Res. No. 2824 


Authorizing the City of Stamford to adopt a new Massage Therapy Establishment licensing Fee Link

Res. No. 2825 


Authorizing Mayor Malloy to accept a State of Ct, Dept. of Economic and Community Dev., Financial Assistance proposal regarding the Bartlett Arboretum Link

Res. No. 2826 


Certified Resolution No. 2826  “Project Grant agreement between the State of CT and the City of Stamford for the dev. of contract plans, specifications and estimates for the mobility improvement project utilizing funds under the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program Link

Res. No. 2827 


Approving a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and Saturn of Stamford for the Lease of Approximately 51, 894 Sq. Ft. of Space in the Bell Street Garage Link

Res. No. 2828 


Approving a purchase and sales agreement between the City of Stamford and Lawrence F. Davidoff, Trustee for the Sale of the city-owned Property at 36 Underhill Street Link

Res. No. 2829 


Approving a purchase, sales and lease agreement between the City of Stamford, Spruce Street Townhomes, LLC and the Yerwood center, Inc. and a Lease agreement between the City of Stamford and the Yerwood Center Link

Res. No. 2830 


Certified that the Resolution authorizing that Mayor Malloy is empowered to sign contracts and any amendments thereto, on behalf of the City of Stamford, between The City of Stamford and the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch, Court Support Services Division, to administer a Juvenile Justice Center Program Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Holy Name of Jesus Church on its 100th Anniversary Link

Res. No. 2831 


Concerning Terry Connors Ice Rink Fees 

Res. No. 2832 


Concerning E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course Fees Link

Res. No. 2833 


Approving a Lease Agreement Between St. Andrews Episcopal Church and The City of Stamford for Land on the West Side of Franklin Street Link

Res. No. 2834 


Renaming a portion of Vine Place to Merriman Road In conformance with Section 21 of the Code of Ordinances Link

Res. No. 2835 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services – Glenbrook Community Center [In book as 2835 and 2838  - 2838 seems to be correct] 

Res. No. 2836 


With Respect to the authorization, issuance and sale of not exceeding $60,000,000 City of Stamford General Obligation refunding Bonds Link

Res. No. 2837 


Accepting Fits of Money or property as per section C2-10-2(7) of the Charter 

Sense of the Board Res.


Commemorating Polish Heritage Month Link

Res. No. 2838 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services – Grant for Glenbrook Community Center Link

Res. No. 2839 


Concerning a Five-Year extension of the enterprise Zone ordinance Link

Res. No. 2840 


Amending the terms of the Lead Hazard control program 

Sense of the Board Res.


Encouraging Stamford Health  System and Local 1199 to Resolve Labor Disputes Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Stamford's 12 Year Old Little League Champions Link

Res. No. 2841 


State Project No. 135-71 Federal Aid Project No.: TEA-PEDS (78) Agreement Between State and City for Construction of Bicycle/Pedestrian Path Link

Res. No. 2842 


Child Day Care Program Certified Resolution Link

Res. No. 2843 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter agreement with the State of Connecticut for funding assistance to support the activities of local alcohol, tobacco & other drug abuse prevention councils to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse 2003-2004 Link

Res. No. 2844 


Regarding the operation of Indian Point Nuclear Facility 

Res. No. 2845 


Authorizing an Agreement with the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management for Assistance Provided through the Neighborhood Youth Center Grant Link

Res. No. 2846 


Authorizing the Mayor to file application and to enter into agreement with the U.S. Department of justice for assistance provided through the local law enforcement block grant Link

Res. No. 2847 


Certification of Authorized Signature Re: that the Mayor is authorized to make, execute and approve on behalf of this corporation, any and all contracts or amendments thereof with the State of Connecticut Dept. of Public Health to facilitate capacity development for local public health preparedness and response to incidents of bioterrorism. Link

Res. No. 2848 


Authorizing the City of Stamford to enter into an option agreement with the Stamford Housing Authority for the purpose of giving the Stamford Housing Authority the right to purchase the properties know as 17, 21 and 23 Richmond Hill Avenue from the City of Stamford in conjunction with the Stamford Housing Authority’s redevelopment of Fairfield Court. Link

Res. No. 2849 


Setting Marina Fees Link

Res. No. 2850 


Concerning the date for the submission of the draft report of the 16th Charter Revision Commission Link

Res. No. 2851 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the state for the construction, inspection and maintenance required in conjunction with the replacement of Studio Road Bridge (Bride No. 05506) and Buckingham Drive Bridge (Bridge No. 05007) Link

Res. No. 2852 


 Childcare Learning Centers HVAC Program Link

Res. No. 2853 


Establishing Recreation Services Program Fees for 2004 Link

Res. No. 2854 


Approving a purchase and sales agreement between the City of Stamford and AEL Realty Holdings for properties located at 3, 7, 11, 15, 17, 21, 15, and 27 West Park Place Link

Res. No. 2855 


Approving a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and Stamford Emergency medical services for the lease of a portion of the premises know as 684 Long Ridge Road Link

Res. No. 2856 


Approving a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and Stamford Emergency medical Services for the Lease of a portion of the premises known as 80 Fairfield Avenue Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Regarding Grants Administration by the Board of Education Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Nicole Crowley Link

Res. No. 2857 


In support of a Legislative special act regarding property revaluation Link

Res. No. 2858 


Approving a limit for the local senior citizen tax relief program for real estate taxes on the grand list of October 1, 2003 Link

Res. No. 2859 


Authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the Connecticut State Department of Public Safety for a regional public Safety emergency telecommunications center Link

Res. No. 2860 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the Connecticut State Department of Public Health to provide Health Education Risk Reduction, HIV Mobile prevention services and AIDS Health care and social Services Link

Res. No. 2861 


Mayor to enter into agreement with the Connecticut State Department of Public Health for the purpose of providing a cardiovascular health program for Stamford Residents Link

Res. No. 2862 


Authorizing application under the social services block grant in order to support a program of counseling services to the elderly Link

Res. No. 2863 


Authorizes Mayor enter into an agreement with the Connecticut State Department of Children and families for a youth drug and alcohol prevention program Link

Res. No. 2864 


Authorizes Mayor to enter into agreement with the Connecticut State Department of public Health, office of local health, office of local health administration for funding assistance under the State Aid to full-time Health Department Programs Link

Res. No. 2865 


Authorizes Mayor to enter into a contract with the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services for funding assistance regarding operation of the Stamford Day Care program Link

Res. No. 2866 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with the State of Connecticut office of Emergency Management for funding assistance regarding operation of the City of Stamford’s emergency management program Link

Res. No. 2867 


Authorizing the Mayor to file applications and execute contracts with the federal transit administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation Link

Res. No. 2868 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Health Services regarding an immunization action program grant Link

Res. No. 2869 


Authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with the Connecticut Judicial branch court services division to administer a juvenile justice center program Link

Res. No. 2870 


Authorizing the Mayor to file application and enter into agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice for assistance provided through the local law enforcement block grant Link

Res. No. 2871 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into agreement with the State of Connecticut for funding assistance to support the activities of a Local Alcohol, Tobacco & other drug abuse prevention councils to prevent alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse 2004-2005 Link

Res. No. 2872 


Authorizing the mayor to sign a contract and receive grant funds from the State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management to operate a neighborhood youth center Link

Res. No. 2873 


Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Connecticut Department of education regarding a quality enhancement program grant Link

Res. No. 2874 


Authorizing the Mayor to file an application and enter into an agreement with the Connecticut Department of Public Health for a preventive health block grant Link

Res. No. 2875 


Authorizing the Mayor to submit a grant application and to enter into agreement with the State of Connecticut for school readiness and child day care Link

Res. No. 2876 


Authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the southwestern Connecticut agency on aging for a program of senior health services Link

Res. No. 2877 


Authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract and receive grant funds from the State of Connecticut for the purposes of operating a program for the treatment and control of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases Link

Res. No. 2878 


Enabling the City of Stamford to receive grant funds from the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health for the purposes of allowing the City of Stamford, through its health department to operate the women’s infants, and children’s (WIC) nutrition program   Link

Res. No. 2879 


Authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the Connecticut Department of Education regarding a Youth Service Bureau (YSB) Grant Link

Res. No. 2880 


Approving a benefit schedule for the local senior citizen tax relief program for real estate taxes on the grand list of October 1, 2003 Link

Res. No. 2881 


Resolution of the City of Stamford, Connecticut Board of Representatives amending the Urban Redevelopment plan for the Mill River Corridor project Link

Res. No. 2882 


Establishing fees for E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course for the year 2004 

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Marc Lyons for being selected citizen of the year by the Jewish War Veterans Post WWII Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Regarding Allocation of State Funds for Education Link

Res. No. 2883 


Resolution for School Construction Grants Link

Res. No. 2884 


Concerning recommendations for changes to the draft report of the 16th Charter Revision Commission 

Res. No. 2885 


Home and Lead Abatement programs Link

Res. No. 2886 


Authorizing the mayor to submit the year 30 annual action plan for the community development program of the City of Stamford, Connecticut Link

Res. No. 2887 


Authorizing the acquisition by negotiation or eminent domain of rights of way for the Stamford Urban Transitway Project Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Academy of Information Technology student Thomas Cookson for winning State Comptroller Nancy Wyman’s Annual Black History Essay Contest Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Honoring Academy of Information Technology student Glenn Brice for winning State Comptroller Nancy Wyman’s Annual Black History Essay Contest Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating David Dogali on being named 2003 Police Officer of the Year Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Thanking GE Consumer Finances for its work on Veterans’ Park Link

Res. No. 2888 


Adoption of Capital Budget Fiscal Year 7/1/04 – 6/30/05 $97,503,952 

Res. No. 2889 


Adoption of the Operating Budget Fiscal Year 7-1-04 – 6-30-05 $172,828,689    

Res. No. 2890 


Adoption of the Board of Education Budget  Fiscal Year 7-1-04 – 6-30-05 $185,265,181 

Res. No. 2891 


Adoption of E.G. Brennan Fund; The Grants, Police Extra Duty and marinas Fund; The Risk Management Fund; The Smith House Fund; and the WPCA Fund for the Fiscal Year 7-1-04 – 6-30-05 

Res. No. 2892 


Concerning a Delay in the implementation of a revaluation of real property Link

Res. No. 2893 


Resolution for School construction grants Link

Res. No. 2894 


Resolution approving submittal of attached list of programs to the state department of revenue services in accordance with the provisions of the Connecticut neighborhood assistance act Link

Res. No. 2895 


Approving a lease agreement between the City of  Stamford and St. Johns Roman Catholic Church Link

Res. No. 2896 


Concerning City Parking Garage and Lot Fees Link

Res. No. 2897 


Concerning Metered Parking Link

Res. No. 2898 


Approving the Urban  Renewal Plan for the Souteast Quadrant (extended) Urban Renewal Project Connecticut, R-43 as Amended Link

Res. No. 2899 


Concerning recommendations for changes to the draft report of the 16th Charter Revision Commission Link

Res. No. 2900 


Approving a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and Domus Foundation, Inc. for the premises located at 229 North Street Link

Res. No. 2901 


City of Stamford to enter into a three party agreement among the City of Stamford, Wyeth Holdings Corporation and Collins Magee, LLC for the City’s purchase of approximately 4.8 Acres of Land located at 205 Magee Ave from Wyeth Holdings Corp. for $500,000.00 Link

Res. No. 2902 


Expressing the Sense of the Board of Representatives Concerning Illegal Dwelling Units in the City of Stamford Link

Res. No. 2903 


Approving an agreement between the City of Stamford and the Norwalk Transit District Link

Res. No. 2904 



Res. No. 2905 



Res. No. 2906 



Res. No. 2907 


Authorizing the Mayor to file application & Execute a contract with the State Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Long Island Sound programs for a federal Clean Vessel Act Grant Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Sergeant First Class Anthony Rivera, Sr. on his retirement from the United States Army after 25 years of service Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Wishing Sergeant Joseph Skelly success in his mission in Iraq Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Stamford’s 16-year old Babe Ruth Baseball Team Link

Sense of the Board Res.


congratulating Debbie Weaton on being named Teacher of the Year Link

Sense of the Board Res.


Regarding Closure of the I-95 Entrance Ramp at Canal Street Link

Res. No. 2908 


Accepting Gifts of Money as per section C2-10-2(7) of the Charter Link

Res. No. 2909 


With Respect to the authorization, issuance and sale of not exceeding $17,017,100 City of Stamford General Obligation Bonds for the costs of constructing a multi-story parking garage, providing approximately 487 parking spaces, located on real property presently know as block 9 in the southeast quadrant projects Link

Res. No. 2910 


To name the pedestrian bridge at Cove Island the “Gerald J. Rybnick Memorial Bridge” Link

Res. No. 2911 


Certified Resolution Resolved: Mayor executed and delivered the name on behalf of the City a certain contract with the Dept. of Environmental Protection of the State of Connecticut for the fulfillment of the Inner City Urban Forestry Grant and is authorized to affix the City Seal Link

Res. No. 2912 


Accepting A Gift 

Sense of the Board Res.


Congratulating Hellen Grillo on her 100th birthday 

Sense of the Board Res.


Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Purchase of Cove Island Link

Res. No. 2913 


Concerning Terry Connors Ice Rink Fees Link

Res. No. 2914 


Approving the extension of sanitary sewer systems to Westover Road to serve 21 and 35 Emery Drive Link

Res. No. 2915 


Approving the extension of Sanitary Sewer systems to Westover Road to serve 71 and 74 Doolittle Road Link

Res. No. 2916 


Requesting acceptance of Mary Joy Lane as a City Street under charter division 2.  Estimates and Capital projects, section C8-20-1 to C8-20-11 and division 6, section c8-60-1 to section c8-60-17 Link

Res. No. 2917 


Certified Resolution Resolved. A grant agreement under the Open Space and Watershed Land acquisition program with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire permanent interest in land known as 1 Main Street, OSWA #85, and to manage said land as open space land pursuant to Section 7-131d of the Connecticut General Statutes. Link

Res. No. 2918 


Certified Resolution Resolved. A grant agreement under the Open Space and Watershed Land acquisition program with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire permanent interest in land known as 8 and 12 West Park Place, OSWA #132, and to manage said land as open space land pursuant to Section 7-131d of the Connecticut General Statutes. Link

Res. No. 2919 


Certified Resolution Resolved. A grant agreement under the Open Space and Watershed Land acquisition program with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire permanent interest in land known as 3, 7, 11, 15, 17, 21, 25 and 27 West Park Place, OSWA #213, and to manage said land as open space land pursuant to Section 7-131d of the Connecticut General Statutes. Link

Res. No. 2920 


Certified Resolution Resolved. A grant agreement under the Open Space and Watershed Land acquisition program with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire permanent interest in land known as 60-70 Main Street, OSWA #164, and to manage said land as open space land pursuant to Section 7-131d of the Connecticut General Statutes. Link

Res. No. 2921 


Certified Resolution Resolved. A grant agreement under the Open Space and Watershed Land acquisition program with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance to acquire permanent interest in land known as 205 Magee Avenue, OSWA #153, and to manage said land as open space land pursuant to Section 7-131d of the Connecticut General Statutes. Link

Res. No. 2922 


The 26th Board of Representatives Conveyance Tax 

Res. No. 2923 


Requesting acceptance of golden farm road as a City Street under charter division 2.  Estimates and Capital projects, section C8-20-1 to C8-20-11 and Division 6, Section C8-60-1 to section C8-60-17 

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