Res. No. 973


$21,785.00 - Authorization to accept from the Connecticut Historical Commission a Grant to be used for the restoration of Town Hall - approved - note: also see Resolution #974

Res. No. 974


$21,785.00 - Amending 1974-75 C/P/B - Public Works Dept. New Construction - Town Hall - to be financed by a Grant from the Dept. of Interior through the Conn. Historical Commission - Approved - Note: Also See Res. #973

Res. No. 975


$18,828.10 - Amending 1974-75 C/P/B - Mapping of Wetlands - Environmental Protection Board - Transfer - Approved

Res. No. 976


$8,806,218.00 - Authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds of the City - Capital Projects Budget for 1972-73, 1973-74 and 1974-75 - Approved

Res. No. 977


Sense of the Board Res. - Concerning a Uniform Mill Rate for the Taxation of Motor Vehicles - See Resolution #978

Res. No. 978


Concerning a Uniform mill rate for taxation of Motor Vehicles - Also See Resolution no. 977

Res. No. 979


Concerning petition to increase the number of members of the Environmental Protection Boards

Res. No. 980


Calling upon the Federal Communications Commission to hold public hearings on the termination by WNCN-FM - its classical music format to continue as a unique cultural resource of southwestern Connecticut

Res. No. 981


Traffic situation on Long Ridge Road and Widening of Said Road

Res. No. 982


$40,600 - Davenport ridge School - 1974-75 C/P/B- approved

Res. No. 983


Sense of the Board Res. Concerning Toilsome Brook

Res. No. 984


Master Contract between the City and State for Stamford’s Day Care Program

Res. No. 985


Authorizing insurance coverage for certain officers agents and employees of the Commission on Aging

Res. No. 986


Concerning Medical benefits for Fair Rent Commission Employees (2) insurance coverage - approved

Res. No. 987


Establishment of a Special Investigating Committee to investigate circumstances involved in the appointment of a Supt. Of Parks - approved - See Roll Call Vote on page 10,417 approved - 35 yes - 4 no

Res. No. 988


Authorization under Section 206 of the charter enabling the Board of Representatives in incur expenses in connection with the Special investigating Committee concerning the appointment of the Park Supt. - approved by roll call vote 34 yes 5 no 

Res. No. 989


Sense of the Board Res. - to extend the probationary period the Park Supt. From 6 months to 12 months ending Sept. 12, 1975 - approved

Res. No. 990


Authorizing the sale of City-owned property (Fairfield Avenue)

Res. No. 991


Authorizing the lease of Paul’s Place - approved

Res. No. 992


To discontinue Paul’s Place as a Public Highway - approved

Res. No. 993


Sense of the Board Res. - concerning Clinton Avenue Housing Project for Senior Citizens

Res. No. 994


Relief for Senior Citizens from sewer assessments - approved

Res. No. 995


$3,525.00 - Hubbard Heights Golf course - 1974-75 C/P/B - to install a well - transfer - approved

Res. No. 996


$8,538.00 - Fire Department - North End Station - 1974-75 C/P/B - Traffic pre-emption system - approved

Res. No. 997


Application for an advance of 10% of the Community Development block grant - approved

Res. No. 998


Confirming the Sale of certain City-owned property - (corner of Washington Blvd. and Paragon Lane) - approved

Res. No. 999


Re-establishment of a Special Investigating Committee under provisions of Sec. 204.2 of Charter - to investigate circumstances and procedures involved in the appointment of a Supt. Of Parks - approved

Res. No. 1000 


Authorizing Board of Representatives under Sec. 206 of Charter, to incur expenses in connection with investigation of the appointment of a Superintendent of Parks - approved

Res. No. 1001 


Sense of the Board- Zoning Board of City has just adopted by-laws and rules of procedure

Res. No. 1002 


Sense of the Board Res. - Veteran’s Hospital and Clinic in Fairfield County

Res. No. 1003 


Concerning further development of High Ridge Road in the vicinity of Vine Road - (quick food restaurant) - Sense of the Board Res.

Res. No. 1004 


Condemnation of Easements through and under property of Salvatore and Katherine A. Tarantino and Shirley A. Coblentz in connection with Sanitary Sewer Project 15-7 - See Roll Call Vote - Page 10,509

Res. No. 1005 


Sleepy Hollow Park - Sewer Project 15-7 Sense of the Board Res.

Res. No. 1006 


$18,000.00 - 1974-75 C/P/B - Fire Department - New Ambulance - approved

Res. No. 1007 


$1,000.00 - 1974-75 C/P/B - Stamford Museum & Nature Center - Dead Tree and Branch Removal - Transfer - approved

Res. No. 1008 


$10,291.00 - 1974-75 C/P/B - police Dept. - Gasoline Storage Tank and two hose mark IV pump - transfer approved

Res. No. 1009 


Urging area state legislators to oppose the equalization of school financing bill

Res. No. 1010 


Urging area state legislators to oppose the equalization of school financing bill

Res. No. 1011 


Urging the General Assembly and the Dept. of transportation to evaluate City Rep. John Sandor’s Proposal for the improvement of the Connecticut Turnpike interchanges in Stamford

Res. No. 1012 


Amending Land disposition contract between the City of Stamford and the Stamford New Urban Corporation

Res. No. 1013 


Adoption of the Capital and Operating Budgets of 1975-1976

Res. No. 1014 


Concerning Final Report of the Special Investigating Committee - Appointment of a Park Superintendent - See Roll Call Vote - page 10,617

Res. No. 1015 


Health Dept. - Filing of an application for State Assistance in order to undertake a program of Coordinated Housing Code enforcement - approved

Res. No. 1016 


Filing of an application by the Urban redevelopment Commission to the State Dept. of Community Affairs for the Southeast Quadrant Urban Renewal Project - approved

Res. No. 1017 


Northeast School Media Center Project - State Aid grants - Riverbank School Project and asphalt improvement project - Stamford Public Schools

Res. No. 1018 


$46,515.00 - Public Works Department - 1974-75 C/P/B - New Construction - Snow Removal Facility - approved

Res. No. 1019 


$10,500.00 - Resolution no. 10.19 - 1974-75 C/P/B - New Construction - Town Hall - approved

Res. No. 1020 


$473,501.00 - Filing of application for State Assistance - making Social Service Programs possible in State moderate rental projects - (Oak Park, William C. Ward Homes, Vidal Ct., and Lawnhill Terrace) - approved

Res. No. 1021 


Approving change in assessment date from September 1, to October 1, to be effective in 1976

Res. No. 1022 


Approval of an agreement between the City of Stamford and the Town of Darien for the incineration of Darien refuse at Stamford

Res. No. 1023 


Opposing experimental dumping of dredge on Eaton’s Neck field, Long Island Sound

Res. No. 1024 


$600,000.00 - Public Works Department - 1975-76 C/P/B - Storm Drains Toilsome Brook - approved

Res. No. 1025 


$6,500.00 - Public Works Department -1975-76 C/P/B - Storm Drains Toilsome Brook - approved

Res. No. 1026 


Harry Rosenbaum - to honor his 75th birthday

Res. No. 1027 


Censuring the Director of Personnel, Reginald P. Barker

Res. No. 1028 


$75,000.00 - Public Works Dept. - 1975-76 C/P/B - Harborview Avenue, purchase of .567 acres - approved

Res. No. 1029 


$10,000.00 - Park Department - Terry Conners Ice Skating Rink - Equipment for Food Concession - approved

Res. No. 1030 


$33,591.00 - Public Works Department 1975-76 C/P/B - new Construction - rehabilitation of Town Hall - approved

Res. No. 1031 


Policy used for compensating retiring department heads and/or administrators for unused sick leave and vacation time

Res. No. 1032  (A)


Removal of the Personnel Director, Mr. Reginald P. Barker

Res. No. 1032


Concerning Municipal Administrators Association salary increases

Res. No. 1033 


Transfer of jurisdiction over municipally - owned property known as Finch Acres to the Park Department

Res. No. 1034 


Amending Capital projects budget 1975-76 Highways - Washington Avenue Extension to be financed by bonds. 122,257.62

Res. No. 1035 


Easement through property of Roman F. Pomponi and Cynthia Pomponi for Sewer project 15-1. 

Res. No. 1036 


“An act concerning application School Building Grants” 1969 Session of General Assembly pursuant to public Act no. 493 to lease school building (St. Mary’s School) to house Rodgers School students ((P.A. 74-344).

Res. No. 1037 


Amending Capital projects budget transfers from  1974-75 budget #13 tennis court            $5208  1973-74 Budget #10 paint sterling farm buildings 2292     $7500 to:  1975-76 Budget #7 Mechanical Equipment

Sense of the Board


Mayor to appoint a Special Committee to study the City’s Civil Service System

Res. No. 1038 


Concerning medical benefits for Health Department employees (2) - Laboratory Asst. of Ombudsman Shape Program

Res. No. 1039 


Proposed resolution amending 1975-1976 capital projects budget in the amount of $295,092 for construction of secondary sewage treatment plant

Res. No. 1040 


Board requested and approved the passage by the state legislature of the special act validating tax rates for District A, B, C and CS in compliance with Chapter 62 of the Stamford Charter and to resolve procedural questions from the time of consolidation of the City and Town (Special Act No. 312, 2947).

Res. No. 1041 


Application for fiscal year1976-1977 for re-funding the Stamford Day Care Program

Res. No. 1042 


Amends 1975-76 Capital Projects budget by adding $497.80 for lighting for the Barrett Park facility (Transfer of $261.80 “New furnace #5” and $236 “New Tennis Courts #13” from the 1974-75 capital budgets).

Res. No. 1043 


Authorized insurance of $9,483,195.00 general obligation bonds to finance the capital projects budget for fiscal 1975-1976.

Res. No. 1044 


To rename the Hubbard Heights Municipal Golf Course as the “E. Gaynor Brennan, Sr. Municipal Golf Course”.

Res. No. 1045 


14th Board requested the General Assembly to appropriate fund to improve Exits 7 and 8 on the Connecticut Turnpike. 

Res. No. 1046 


Initiation of action to appoint 10th Charter Revision Commission - Creation of Commission.

Res. No. 1047 


Appointment of Charter Commission members under provisions of Chapter 99 of General Statutes of State of Connecticut.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense of the Board Res. regarding Spring and Fall Clean-up and pick-up and/or burning of plants and yard debris.

Res. No. 1048 


Authorizes tax abatement with Pilgrim Towers, located at Washington Court.

Res. No. 1049 


Amends 1975-76 Capital budget projects by adding $2,800 for “E. Gaynor Brennan, Sr., Municipal Golf Course - 19th Hole Restaurant”.

Res. No. 1050 


Authorizes application to the State Department of Community affairs for reimbursement of tax abatement on Martin Luther King apartments -- amount not to exceed $40,050.

Sense of Board Resolution


Sense of Board Resolution regarding the elimination of architectural Barriers for the handicapped and the elderly.

Res. No. 1051 


Adoption of Capital and operating budgets from July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1977-- $3,742,843.00 for capital projects budget & $81,044,672.00 for operating budget.  Resolution - petition to Leonid Brezhnev, First Secretary, USSR, supporting human rights and forbidding persecution of any group and “all exiting forms of persecution of Jews.”

Res. No. 1052 


Supplementing Resolution No. 746 ratifying execution of a tax abatement agreement between the City of Stamford, Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church and Tresser Partners concerning New Hope Towers.

Res. No. 1053 


Concerns sub-lease between Stamford Commission on Aging and the Housing Authority

Res. No. 1054 


Regards State funds allocated as Town Aid for Highway Financing.

Res. No. 1055 (A)


Amending the 1976-77 Capital Projects Budget by adding a new project entitled “Glenbrook Road Elderly Housing Project” in a sum not to exceed sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) to serve as security in the event of unforeseen deficits. 

Res. No. 1055  (B)


Amending the 1975-76 Capital Projects Budget by adding thereto the sum of one million three hundred fifteen thousand eight hundred ninety four dollars ($1,315,894) to the project known as “The Multi-Purpose Incinerator”

Res. No. 1055  (C)


Amending the 1975-76 Capital Projects Budget by adding thereto $2,250.00 to a project known as the “Central Fire House” for alarm equipment for the Stamford Fire Dept.

Res. No. 1056 


Enabling the Department of Health of the City of Stamford to receive grants from the State of Connecticut for the purposes of allowing the City of Stamford to operate a supplemental food program for low-income women, infants and children, entirely financed by the State and Federal Governments.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution congratulating Samuel Coppola for his work in initiating the first A.I.A (13-15) Babe Ruth League in Stamford.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution that an annual National Birthday Celebration be held in Stamford with a Block party to be held downtown on the Friday preceding the July 4th holiday.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board resolution congratulating Nancy Tatano, Registrar of Voters for the City on her election as President of the Connecticut Registrars Association.

Res. No. 1057 


Amending 1975-76 Capital Projects budgets by adding thereto a project in the amount of twenty-six thousand five hundred seven dollars ($26,507) to be known as “new construction - addition to building #3 at the Haig Avenue town yard”.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board resolution concerning the inland wetlands and watercourse Act of the State of Connecticut in the matter of the application for an Inland-Wetlands permit along Toilsome Brook in Toilsome Brook Watershed.  

Res. No. 1058 


Renaming Dyke Park in Stamford as “Tadevsz Kosciuszko” Park.  Sense of the Board Res. congratulating Ann Stamatin for her work in the Miss Softball America League.

Res. No. 1059 


Amending 1976-1977 Capital projects Budget by adding a new item entitled Department of Public Works New Constructions, emergency design Changes, 1973 incinerator in the amount of $88,500 for be finances by the issuance of bonds.

Res. No. 1060 


Concerning authorization for filing an application for state assistance in an amount not to exceed $503,377 to enable waiver of payment in lieu of taxes, making social services programs possible in state moderate rental projects.  (Oak-Park, mr-6, William C. Ward Homes, mr-33, Vidal Court mr-55, Lawnhill Terrace, mr-68).

Res. No. 1061 


Proposed Resolution 1976-77 Capital projects budget by adding a project in the amount of ($38,700) to be entitled “Board of Recreation - Expansion and improvement of maintenance building on Courtland Avenue Facility” to be financed by Bonds.

Res. No. 1062 


Amending the 1976-77 Capital projects budget by adding $12,450 to a project - “Capital project #296 1975/76 Bonds for Riverbank Media Center” Board of Education to be financed by Bonds.  

Res. No. 1063 


Amending the 1976-77 Capital projects budget by adding a project “Play and Recreation Area Rehabilitation Center” in the amount of $9,089.68 to be financed by a transfer from the 1973/74 capital #9 “Tennis Courts - Parking Area”

Res. No. 1064 


Concerning authorization for applications to the Economic Development Administration of the United States Government and designate the Mayor as the official representative of the City.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution that all final contracts negotiated between the City and its unions be submitted for review and commented to the Personnel Committee and the entire Board at least 21 days before our regularly scheduled monthly meeting.

Res. No. 1065 


Amending the 1975/76 Capital Projects budget by adding $1,000 for “Atlantic Street Alignment and widening project to be financed by issuance of bonds.”

Res. No. 1066 


Amending the 1975/76 Capital Projects budget by adding $71,303.00 for the department of Public Works - Phase 1- Highways and maintenance facility at Hanover Street to be financed by bonds.

Res. No. 1067 


Authorizing the Mayor to execute and file application for title XX funds in the sum of $81,675 for the Stamford Day Care Center.

Res. No. 1068 


Concerning Benefits for Executive Director of the SHAPE program of the Health Department

Res. No. 1069 


Authorizing the Sale of City-owned property on Fairfield Avenue at Spur Line of Penn Central Railroad.

Res. No. 1070 


Naming the proposed Main Street Mall Area in the Downtown Renewal Project as “Veterans Memorial Park”.

Res. No. 1071 


Amending 1976-77 Capital projects budget by adding $54,612 to the rehabilitation of the multi- purpose incinerator to be financed by the issuance of bonds.

Res. No. 1072 


Amending the 1976-77 Capital Projects budget - new construction, installation of transformer/rectifiers for electrostatic precipitator - repairs to 1973.  Incinerator to be financed by issuance of bonds for the sum of $52,000.

Res. No. 1073 


Amending the 1976-77 Capital Project Budget by adding a new item entitled “Dam Repair and Improvement to Bendel’s Pond Dam, Poorhouse Brook in the amount of $40,150 to be financed by the issuance of bonds.

Res. No. 1074 


Oceanic Society to conduct a Marine Center on property formerly known as the Naval Reserve Training Center, Magee Avenue.

Res. No. 1075 


Concerning adoption of Special Act No. 184 of the State Legislature concerning Urban Redevelopment of Park Land in Stamford—Readjusting the boundary lines covering three parks –Rippowan Park, Central Park and St. John’s Park.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution  -- That the president of the Board of Representatives request an immediate investigation regarding the Stamford Police Department by the U.S. Attorney to investigate the Stamford Advocate’s allegations 

Res. No. 1076 


The Board of Representatives recommends federal funding to dredge the East Branch of Stamford Harbor by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution  The 14th Board of Representatives behooves that every effort be made to fill the position of Police Chief in the City of Stamford with a qualified candidate who should not be discriminated against for living in Stamford

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution.  That the mayor and his corporation counsel should take steps to collect back taxes dating back to 1960 that ConRail owes and total more than $70,000.

Res. No. 1077 


Amending The 1976/77 Capital Projects Budget, Adding A Project Entitled “Public Works Highway Maintenance Complex” to be financed under a grant Under Title I Of Local Public Works Capital Development And Investment Act Of 1976 in the amount of ($2,000,690).

Res. No. 1078 


Amending The 1976/77 Capital Projects Budget, Adding Thereto Three Projects To Be Financed By Grant Under Title I Of Local Public Works Capital Development And Investment Act Of 1976.  Rehabilitation/West Main Street.    $111,707 Glenbrook Community Center          139,150 Municipal Office Building  338,800            $ 589,657

Res. No. 1079 


Amending the 1976/77 Capital projects budget by adding a new project “Tennis Courts - Southfield Park” in the amount of $13,790.67 to be financed by the issuance of bonds

Res. No. 1080 


Amending the 1976-77 Capital projects budget by adding a project in the amount of $12,700 entitled Shippan Fire Station new roof $7,200 and South End Fire Station new roof - $5,500 to be financed by issuance of bonds

Res. No. 1081 


Authorizing the transfer of $1,379,069.03 from “Sewers, South of the Parkway” to account known as “Interceptors - Public Works Department - Sewer Commission.” 

Res. No. 1082 


Authorization of preliminary application for State Aid grants for ‘Stamford High School Auditorium Modernization Project” and “Stamford High School Site improvement project” Stamford Public Schools Capital projects budget, 1975/1976 and 1976/1977.

Res. No. 1083 


Resolution amending the 1976/77 Capital projects budget by adding a new project in the amount of $300,000 to be entitled “Vocational Horticultural Regional Center” to be financed by a state grant under general statues, sections 10-64,65,66. 

Res. No. 1084 


Amending the 1976-77 Capital Projects budget by adding a project in the amount of $90,000 to be entitled “Public Works Department” #341-0104 secondary sewage pressure drain filter to be financed by issuance of bonds

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution urging Stamford members of the Connecticut General Assembly to support legislation to restrict the types of retail stores that may open on Sunday

Res. No. 1085 


Authorizing the filing of a budget application for the Stamford Day Care Program not to exceed $504,414.

Res. No. 1086 


Amending Capital projects budget for 1976/77 by adding project entitled “Replacement of traffic light system at Ryle School and intersection of Greenwich Ave. and Selleck Street in the amount of $4,000 to be financed by the issuance of bonds.

Res. No. 1087 



Res. No. 1088 (A)


Regarding State funds allocated as town aid for highway financing and authorizing the Mayor to request the withdrawal of funds to the City under the supervision of the Commissioner of Transportation for the fiscal year 1977-78 in accordance with Chapter 240, Part IIa of the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution that stronger measures be taken by the courts and law enforcers to assure full restitution of defaced vandalized or stolen property when monetary restitution events a hardship, the offender should be made to work at some public improvement.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution that the 14th Board of Representatives endorses House Bill 5477 introduced into the 1977 legislative session of the Connecticut General assembly and urges its passage.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution that the 14th Board of Representatives that the General Assembly when it authorizes a Veteran’s Clinic in Fairfield County, it designate St. Mary’s School building as a site for this facility.

Res. No. 1089 


That the Mayor authorizes to file applications and agreements on behalf of the city of Stamford with the commissioner of Environmental protection for the state grants pursuant to provisions of Section 25-54R of the General Statues, as amended and do all things necessary for state grants for sections 14-6, 15-2 and 16-1

Res. No. 1090 



Res. No. 1091 



Res. No. 1092 


Authorizing the City to file its application for third year funding and authorize the Mayor to take all action necessary to carry out the Community Development application as permitted by State and Federal law.

Res. No. 1093 


Approval of Capital and Operating Budgets from July 1, 1977 to June 30, 1978 -            $10,946,522.00 Capital Projects Budget            $81,188,321.00 Operating Budgets

Res. No. 1094 


Authorizing the Board of Education of the City to file preliminary application for the sate aid grant for a capital project to be known as “Vocational Horticultural Regional Center” Pursuant to Public Act no. 493.

Res. No. 1095 


Amendment to 1976-77 Capital projects budget by adding $11,300 to be entitled Public Works Dept. Storm Drain and Road Improvement - Bertmor Drive to be financed by issuance of bonds. 

Res. No. 1096 


Amending 1976-77 Capital projects budgets by adding $50,000 to be entitled “Ethel Kweskin Sterling Barn Theatre - Board of Recreation to be financed by a grant from Ethel Kweskin Foundation.

Res. No. 1097 


Amending the total area requirement of St. John’s Park as specified in Public Act #184, which requires a minimum land area be changed from 30,000 square feet to 17,000 square feet.

Res. No. 1098 


Concerning legal action of the Urban Redevelopment Commission to increase the size of St. John’s Park to be as large as the present park and substantially larger than the 17,000 square feet minimum requirement.

Res. No. 1099 


Amending the 1976-77 Capital Project Budget.  A new Project entitled “Replacement of Air conditioning Unit in Dispatcher’s Office of the Police Department in the amount of $17,000.

Res. No. 1099A


Amending the 1976-77 Capital Projects Budget by adding a project entitled “Water Pollution Control Facility” in the amount of $181,755.49 to be financed by the issuance of bonds and grant. 

Res. No. 1100 


Authorizing the City to enter into and execute a funding agreement for a National Park Services Grant-In-Aid.

Res. No. 1101 


Authorizing the Mayor to apply for grant and to execute and supervise agreements with the Connecticut Commission of the Arts.

Res. No. 1102 


Amending the 1977-78 Capital Projects budget by adding a project in the amount of $4,400 to be entitled “Alterations to existing voting machines to be financed by the issuance of bonds”.

Res. No. 1103 


Amending the 1976/77 capital projects budget by adding a project in the amount of $2,000 for the Commission on Aging to be entitled “Furniture: Quintard Center” to be financed by the issuance of bonds.

Res. No. 1104 


Amending the 1977-78 capital projects budget by adding a new project entitled “West Side Fire Station Site Acquisition” in the sum of $150,000 to be funded by the issuance of bonds.

Res. No. 1105 


Authorizing the condemnation of easements through and under properties of Robert L.W.and Geraldine Foshay, Jr., Jonathan T. Lanman; Sheila Martin, and Olin Corporation in connection with the Rippowam River Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Project.

Res. No. 1106 


Concerning the transfer of certain streets from the Urban Renewal Commission to the City of Stamford, jurisdiction of southerly portion of Greyrock Place between Main and Tresser, a portion of Tresser Blvd. from Atlantic Street East to Elm Street, a portion of Broad Street from Grove to East Main Street is transferred from the URC to the City in accordance with provisions of ordinance #144 of the General Ordinances of the City. 

Res. No. 1107 


 No resolution

Res. No. 1108 


 No resolution

Res. No. 1109 


 No resolution

Res. No. 1110 



Res. No. 1111 



Res. No. 1112 



Res. No. 1113 


Concerning authorization for condemnation of properties located at 68 Fairfield Ave. owned by Joseph Smeriglio and 72 Fairfield Ave. owned by Nonie Daly for the Site of the West Side Fire Station.

Res. No. 1114 



Res. No. 1115 



Res. No. 1116 


Authorizes the City to apply for State grant for $186,320 for Title XX Supplementary Day Care.

Res. No. 1117 


Authorization to file an application by the City of Stamford for $101,716 to execute and file with the Connecticut State Department of Social Services to execute the purchase of service agreement with the State of Connecticut for financial assistance

Res. No. 1118 


Authorizing the City to enter into a multi-jurisdictional consortium agreement for comprehensive manpower program, for Stamford Labor Market Area under comprehensive employment and training Act of 1973, as amending, with the Town of Greenwich and Town of Darien, Conn.

Res. No. 1119 


Authorizing the mayor of the city of Stamford to file the Prime Sponsor Agreement for the Stamford Area CETA Administration for the period of Nov. 1, 1997 to Sept. 30, 1978.

Res. No. 1120 


Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Stamford to file the annual plan for fiscal year 1975 for title I of the comprehensive employment and training Act as amended in the sum of $1,310,964 and act on the application.

Res. No. 1121 


Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Stamford to file the federal assistance application for title II of the comprehensive employment and training act, as amended, in the sum of $903,301 for the period from April 1,1977 to September 30,1977 and $1,186,671 for the period from October 1, 1977 to September 30, 1978.

Res. No. 1122 


Authorizing the mayor of the City of Stamford to file the annual plan for fiscal year 1978 for Title VI of the comprehensive employment and training act, as amended, in the sum of $6,117,355 for the period February 1, 1977 through September 30, 1978.

Res. No. 1123 



Res. No. 1124 



Res. No. 1125 



Res. No. 1126 



Res. No. 1127 



Res. No. 1128 



Res. No. 1129 


Amending the 1977/78 Capital Projects Budget by adding a project entitled “Public works Department - Construction of Elm Street Improvements” in the amount of $642,600 to be financed by a grant received under title I of the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976.

Res. No. 1130 


Amending the 1977-78 Capital Projects by adding a project in the amount of $511,400 to be entitled “Public Works Department - Replacement of concrete curbs and sidewalks in various neighborhood preservation areas” to be financed by a federal grant under Title I of the local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976.

Res. No. 1131 


Addition to the description of 1974-75 capital projects budget, new construction pumping stations Alvord Lane Pumping Station: add following words “also installation of pumps at Alvord Lane Pumping Station” -- Public Works Department.

Res. No. 1132 



Res. No. 1133 


Amending the 1977-78 Capital projects Budget by adding a new project in the sum of $3000 entitled “Vacuum Breaker Assembly, E. Gaynor Brennan, Sr. Public Golf Course to be financed by the issuance of bonds

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution Concerning fall and Spring pick-up of leaves, yard and garden debris, household debris, etc., the Finance Board reduced the appropriation from $60,000 to $35,000 the Public Works Commission had to limit the scope of the pick-up to the areas below the Merritt Parkway, the 14th Board of Representatives is requesting that the Mayor request additional funding to effect City-wide pick-up so that no tax payers will be deprived of a City service.

Sense of the Board Res.


Sense-of-the-Board Resolution That the 14th Board of Representatives encourage the State of Connecticut to establish the regional satellite office of the Department of Consumer protection within the existing State office space in the City of Stamford to provide for consumer services and enforcement of consumer laws.

Res. No. 1134 


Amending 1977-78 Capital Project Budget for #32 Hurst power tool for the Long Ridge Fire Dept. in the amount of $5,500 to be financed by the issuance of bonds.

Res. No. 1135 


Application for grant in the amount of $65,000 to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection to provide the federal share of the cost of recreational development. (Approval of lawn Avenue Park).

Res. No. 1136 


Replaces Resolution No. 1116 dated 9-27-77 - This approved $190,000 to provide a local grant in aid in accordance with the requirements of chapters 128, 129, 130, 132 and 133 of the Connecticut General Statutes to undertake program of Title XX Supplement of Stamford Day Care Program to process an application to Connecticut State Dept. of Community Affairs.

Res. No. 1137 


File application f/Youth Employment & Training Program under Title III of C.E.T.A. as amended - approved

Res. No. 1138 


File application f/Youth Community Conservation & Improvement project of C.E.T.A. - approved

Res. No. 1139 


Authorizing Execution of Easement, Declaration of Covenants, and Declaration of Preservation restrictions - Old Town Hall - approved

Res. No. 1140 


$16,553,099.00 authorizing the issuance of general obligation coupon bonds of the City to finance certain C.P. for FY 74/75, as amended; 75/76 as amend; 76/77 as amended and 77/78 to be financed with funds raised by borrowing - approved. 

Res. No. 1141 


Designating Long Ridge Village as a historic district approved

Res. No. 1142 


Cooperation agreement between the City and the Housing Authority covering all existing or contemplated public housing units - approved

Res. No. 1143 


Acceptance of Catoona Lane as City street - initiation

Res. No. 1144 


Amending Urban Renewal Plan f/Southeast Quadrant Urban Renewal Project, Conn. R-43 - approved 

Res. No. 1145 


$860,000 approving contract f/sale of land in Southeast Quadrant (extended) Urban Renewal Project f/private development to Champion International Corporation - approved.

Res. No. 1146 


Financial assistance for Vest Pocket Park at 9 Division St. - approved

Res. No. 1147 


Authorizing the filing of an application for Community Correctional activities to be undertaken by Community Return, Inc. approved

Res. No. 1148 


$60,000 amend 77/78 C.P. budget for “Rehabilitation of Equipment, sewage treatment plant” by bonds- approved

Res. No. 1149 


$16,000 amending C.P. budget “Repair walkways and pits, 1941 incinerator” - approved

Res. No. 1150 


$950.00 grant Connecticut Foundation for the Arts for Smith House Skilled Nursing facility - approved

Res. No. 1151 


$439,143 filing budget application for FY1979 for Stamford Day Care Centers Program - approved

Res. No. 1152 


Authorizing City to file application for 4th year funding re; Community development - approved

Res. No. 1153 


State funds allocated as Town Aid for highway financing approved

Res. No. 1154 


$7,200. Grant to provide transportation f/children to state Parks and beaches - approved

Res. No. 1155 


Regarding clean communities - approved

Res. No. 1156 


Abolishing Stamford Parking Authority and providing for its successor by the City of Stamford - approved

Res. No. 1157 


$400. Amending 77/78 C.P. budget by transferring from one project to another (see Res. 1129 & 1120) - approved

Res. No. 1158 


Adoption of Capital and Operating Budget from July 1, 1978 to June 30, 1979: $  8,093,778.00 Capital Projects Budgets $86,648,846.00 Operating Budgets

Res. No. 1159 


$37,648.02 amending 75/76 & 71/72 C.P. Budgets by transferring to bridge accts. in Public Works - approved

Res. No. 1160 


$74,000. Filing of grant with UMTA for 3 new vehicles for Commission on Aging - approved

Res. No. 1161 


Filing application to State for tax abatement on pilgrim Towers in an amount not to exceed $23,384. - approved

Res. No. 1162 


$61,333. For rehabilitation of Richmond Hill Townhouses Stamford Housing Site Development agency - approved

Res. No. 1163 


$111,888. Filing of application f/grant under Title XX for various City agencies - approved

Res. No. 1164 


Cost sharing agreement between City & State for traffic signal revision Rt. #137 at Square Acre Dr. - approved

Res. No. 1165 


$25.00 amend C.P. budget transfer from Bullet Trap to exhaust fan in Police Dept. - approved

Res. No. 1166 


Amending 77/78 C.P. budget Gaynor Brennan Golf Course - approved

Res. No. 1167 


Permits donation of Federal property to Public Agency - approved

Res. No. 1168 


Creation of position of “Researcher” for the Bd. of Rep. - approved (See Ord. 373 and Resolution  #1168)

Res. No. 1169 


Widening of West Hill Road - Dancy Drive - approved

Res. No. 1170 


Amending 77/78 C.P budget by transferring $9,775 from Police Dept. Capital accts.-approved

Res. No. 1171 


$228,713. By Stamford Day Care Center to file application for fiscal year 10/1/78 for Title XX of their budget - approved

Res. No. 1172 


Request of Special Investigating Committee re. Sterling Farms Golf Authority - approved

Revised Res. No. 1172


REVISED. Establishment of Special Investigating Committee to investigate alleged improper procedures and circumstances at Sterling Farm Gold Authority - approved

Res. No. 1173 


Urban Renewal Commission - changes - approved

Res. No. 1174 


Application by Community Development - approved

Res. No. 1175 


Problems in Springdale - approved

Res. No. 1176 


Clearing of Certain Waterway - approved

Res. No. 1177 


Genovese Property landfill and flooding vicinity of Dannell Drive, Toilsome Brook - approved

Res. No. 1178 


Review of City’s sewage and solid waste disposal - approved

Res. No. 1179 


Enabling the Bd. of Rep. to incur expenses re investigation of alleged improper procedures, etc. at Sterling Farms Golf Authority - approved

Res. No. 1180 


Filing of application funding proposal to further Uniform Data Collection Project initiated jointly by the SCDP and the United Way from HEW - approved

Res. No. 1181 


$326,611.88 amending C.P. Budget by transferring within Public Works Dept. Sewer Div. - approved

Res. No. 1182 


Initiation f/appointment of 11th Charter Revision Commission - approved

Res. No. 1183 


Secure funding for acquisition of Levine Property - approved under Bureau of Outdoor Recreation.

Res. No. 1184 


Re Pitney - Bowes request to start action & hold public hearing to discontinue Crosby St. - not used - ordinance necessary.

Res. No. 1185 


$44,587 amending C.P. Budget transferring within the Parks Dept. - approved

Res. No. 1186 


City to apply for Pilot Funds “Payment in-lieu-of-taxes for State financed moderate rent housing” - approved

Res. No. 1187 


Deacon Hill Road - approved

Res. No. 1188 


Middle Ridge Road - approved

Res. No. 1189 


Sale of land City of Stamford, Urban Redevelopment Comm. and Champion International Corporation - approved

Res. No. 1190 


Appointment of 11th Charter Revision Commission - approved

Res. No. 1191 


Amending C.P. Budget 1978/79 for repairs to transmission to Telesquirt Pumper in Fire Dept. - approved

Res. No. 1192 


Directing improvements to Hartcroft Road / Hardesty Road City cost $21,000 and owners’ share $134,300 - approved

Res. No. 1193 


Directing improvements to Liberty Place - approved

Res. No. 1194 


Re: dredging of East Branch of Stamford Harbor - approved

Res. No. 1195 


Contract w/Ct. State Dept. of environmental Protection for Coastal Area Management grant f/South End-approved

Res. No. 1196 


$2,500 amending C.P. Budget 78/79 f/Police Dept. approved

Res. No. 1197 


$43,100.32 amending C.P. Budget by transferring within the Parks Department - approved

Res. No. 1198 


$20,950.00 amending B. of Ed. Operating Budget & Capital Budget by transferring from one to the other - approved

Res. No. 1199 


Re-establishment of Greater Stamford Transit District - approved

Res. No. 1200 


File w/Dept. of Trans. (Federal) for grant under urban Mass Transportation for Dial-A-Ride services -approved

Res. No. 1201 


Transfer 1.7 Ac. & house from Bd. of Ed. to DPW on Long Ridge Road

Res. No. 1202 


Postal Workers Resolution

Res. No. 1203 


$3,449,000. Amend 78/79 C.P. budget adding to be used for the Town Center Garage, Urban Renewal Plan, Southeast Quadrant R-43 financed by issuance of bonds - approved

Res. No. 1204 


Approval of consent agreement and the first amendment to supplement to Parking Agreement of the Urban Renewal Plan f/Southeast Quadrant Urban Renewal Project R-43 - approved 

Res. No. 1205 


Waiver of building permit fee for the Town Center Parking Garage, URC project - approved

Res. No. 1206 


Transfer of Jurisdiction of Veterans Park from Urban Redevelopment Comm. to the City of Stamford, Dept. of Parks - approved

Res. No. 1207 


$83,000 amend C.P. 78/79 project known as Assessor’s Mapping Service - approved

Res. No. 1208 


$219,931.47 amend C.P. 78/79 by transferring within Sewer Division of Public Works - approved

Res. No. 1209 


$50,000 amend 78/79 C.P. budget Long Ridge Fire Dept. Second Fire Station, Upper High Ridge Road - approved

Res. No. 1210 


$30,000 amend 78/79 C.P. budget Bur. Of Sanitation Sewage Treatment Plant Rehabilitation of Centrifuges- approved

Res. 1210A


Fringe benefits for Commission on Aging employee-approved

Res. No. 1211 


Financial Settlement close-out between City and Urban Redevelopment Commission - approved

Res. No. 1211A


To file prime sponsor agreement and annual plans f/Stamford Area CETA administration - approved

Res. No. 1212 


Contract w/State Dept. of Environmental Protection for a Coastal Area Management Grant - Mill River Green Belt - approved

Res. No. 1212A


$90,000. 78/79 C.P. budget to an elderly Housing Project funded by issuance of bonds - approved

Res. No. 1213 


Conflicts of interest and dual office holdings -approved

Res. No. 1213A


Acquisition of property on Harbor View Avenue for transfer station in connection w/incinerator - approved

Res. No. 1214 


$2,800. Amend C.P. budget for Police dept. bullet trap - approved

Res. No. 1215 


Amend C.P. budget for Renovation of Ladies Room at the E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course - approved

Res. No. 1216 


Amend. C.P. budget for West Side Fire House financed by issuance of bonds - approved

Res. No. 1217 


Rename Walnut Street to Walter Wheeler Drive

Res. No. 1218 


This number not used

Res. No. 1219 


Opposition to HELCO electric & gas rate increase - approved

Res. No. 1220 


$9,436. Application. For State grant f/Historic Preservation Project - approved

Res. No. 1221 


Agreement w/Transit Works Union to insure compliance w/Federal Urban Mass Transportation - approved

Res. No. 1222 


Mayor to file budget application for Stamford Day Care - approved

Res. No. 1223 


$77,000. Appl. to State for construction of 11 condominiums approved

Res. No. 1224 


Amend 75/76 C.P. budget by transferring $13,976.60 within accounts of Parks Dept. - approved

Res. No. 1225 


State funds allocated as Town aid for highways - approved

Res. No. 1226 


Planning Bd. to place funds governing subdivision of land into Capital Non-recurring account - approved

Res. No. 1227 


Concerning assessments to bring Hartcroft Rd/Hardesty Rd. to City accepted standards - approved

Res. No. 1228 


Winsted St. and portion of Outlook Street in conformity w/spec. in Ord. 79 - approved

Res. No. 1229 


Tax abatement agreement for Shippan Elderly Housing Project (See Ord. 392 and Exhibit B) and amending Ord. 363 - approved

Res. No. 1230 


Execution of an Agreement f/City of Stamford approval of Section 312 Rehabilitation Loans, etc. - approved

Res. No. 1231 


Sale of land in Southeast Quadrant, URC project to St. John’s Roman Catholic Church - approved

Res. No. 1232 


Sale of land in Southeast Quadrant, URC project to Stamford Savings Bank - approved

Res. No. 1233 


Appl. w/Dept. of HEW f/grant under Environmental Education Act - approved

Res. No. 1233A


RE: acquisition of Stamford Railroad Station - approved

Res. No. 1234 


Adoption of Capital & Operating Budgets from July 1, 1979 to June 30, 1980: $11,782,213.00 Capital Projects Budget $99,264,945.00 Operating Budget

Res No. 1235A


Authorizes transfer of Operating Budget funds from Parks Dept. to Board of Education in the amount of $364.

Res. No. 1235 


Amends $3,559. 1978/79 C.P.budget within the Traffic Dept.   

Res. No. 1236 


Re: litigation as part of CCM’s efforts to hold down utility costs for Cities - approved

Res. No. 1236A


Concerns Application by Northeast Utilities to PUCA for utility rate increase and opposition thereto by the City of Stamford, CT

Res. No. 1237 


Authorizes transfer of Operating Funds for Fiscal 1978-79 from the Board of Education to City’s Payroll Department

Res. No. 1238 


$6,884.71 78/79 C.P. budget Long Ridge Fire Dept. by transfer of funds - approved

Res. No. 1239 


Appl. f/grant $150,000. f/Regional Vocational Agriculture Center 79/80 C.P. budget - approved

Res. No. 1240 


$98,400. 78/79 C.P. budget f/Board of Education Settlement of Condemnation, appeal by St. Leo’s Church - approved

Res. No. 1241 


$473,530. 79/80 C.P. Budget transferring within Public Works - approved

Res. No. 1242 


$9,211 50% grant f/Cove Island History project - approved

Res. No. 1243 


$17,250. 50% grant f/Historic Neighborhood preservation Project - approved

Res. No. 1244 


Prel. Application for grant f/Burdick School and Rippowam High Auto Shop - approved

Res. No. 1245 


File application f/Stamford Day Care - approved For fiscal 79/80

Res. No. 1246 


Hire artistic Coordinator for Kweskin Theatre - approved

Res. No. 1247 


Investigation between Police Chief Cizanckas and State’s Attorney Wm. Shockley in re; criminal proceeding against Nicholas Loglisci - approved

Res. No. 1248 


Retention of Rail Service by Amtrak - approved

Res. No. 1249 


Re: Hydrological study of Rippowam River - approved

Res. No. 1250 


Re: to bring Catoona Lane to City acceptance

Res. No. 1251 


$76,340. Amend 79-80 C.P. for reconstruction of Middle Ridge Rd. to be financed by issuance of bonds - approved

Res. No. 1251A


Re: Middle Ridge Road to City acceptance - approved

Res. No. 1252 


$22,000 to file for grant from State Alcohol & Drug abuse for Employee Assistance Program - approved

Res. No. 1253 


Re: State payment in lieu of taxes for State Financed moderate rental housing - approved

Res. No. 1254 


$111,888 grant in agreement Human Resources for various City agencies - approved

Res. No. 1255 


$6987 grant for Summer Busing - approved

Res. No. 1256 


$49,500.00 Police dept. 79/80 C.P. (unmarked detective vehicles) issuance of bonds - approved

Res. No. 1257 


$21,000. Dept. of Traffic & Parking Highway Safety - 79/80 Capital Projects - approved

Res. No. 1258 


$107,452. Acceptance Catoona Lane 79/80 C.P. by issuance of bonds - approved

Res. No. 1259 


Amending 79/80 C.P. for a new project Stamford Museum and Nature center to purchase 12.7 acres - approved $158,000

Res. No. 1260 


Grant to purchase property adjacent to Stamford Museum and Nature Center - approved

Res. No. 1261 


$3,300 transfer in Welfare Dept. - 79/80 C.P. 10-3-79 - approved

Res. No. 1262 


Amending 79/80 C.P. new project Rippowam Interceptor - approved

Res. No. 1263 


Amending 79/80 C.P. by addition of 2 projects in the Public Works Dept. by transfer of funds - approved

Res. No. 1264 


Amending 79/80 C.P. by adding a new project to be funded by transfer within the Parks Dept. - approved

Res. No. 1265 


$65,400 reconstruction of Middle Ridge Road and Hadesty/Hartcroft Rds - 79/80 C.P budget - approved

Res. No. 1266 


$27,416.16 Burdick School Renovation 79/80 C.P. approved 

Res. No. 1267 


Section 312 Rehabilitation Loans - approved

Res. No. 1268 


$25,000 Fire Dept. f/ambulance 79/80 C.P. approved

Res. No. 1269 


$7,00 Fire Dept. Dep. Chief’s Automobile 1979-80 Capital Projects Budget - approved

Res. No. 1270 


C.E.T.A. Adm. To administer & operate CETA on behalf of the City - approved

Res. No. 1271 


Winsted Street - acceptance - approved

Res. No. 1272 


Amend C.P.  E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course #670.812 starter’s Booth installation - $5,000 - Approved

Res. No. 1273 


Authorizing a charge of $5.00 for purchase of Charters - Approved

Res. No. 1274 


Condemnation of easement across, etc. property of Sylvia T. Kramer in connection with Sewer Project 16-1 - approved

Res. No. 1275 


Condemnation of easement across, etc. property of Benjamin Jenkins in connection with Sewer Project 16-1 - approved

Res. No. 1276 


Supporting moratorium on condominium conversions - approved

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