December 2014

12/15/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee - Ordinance adding Pilot Program for Senior Citizen Tax Abatement 

12/15/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee - Ordinance Regarding the Liability of the City of Stamford for Ice and Snow on Public Sidewalks

12/23/2014 - Transportation Committee - Complete Streets Ordinance to ensure that Capital Projects and Transportation Improvements implemented in the City are Designed to Meet the Needs of all Users as Appropriate for the Project Context

November 2014

11/12/2014 - Personnel CommitteeOrdinance - Adding 5 bonus points for Stamford residency to Police Exam

11/12/2014 - Personnel Committee  - Ordinance - Adding 5 bonus points for Stamford residency and 3 bonus points for volunteer service to Firefighter Exam

11/19/2014 - Education CommitteeOrdinance requiring childcare facilities to file reports with Stamford Board of Education

11/24/2014 - Legislative & Rules CommitteeOrdinance adding pilot program for Senior Citizen Tax Abatement 

11/24/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee Resolution approving purchase and sale agreement for discontinued Colahan Street

October 2014

10/23/2014 - Transportation Committee -- Review of Citywide Traffic Calming.

10/27/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee - Ordinance; amending the Purchasing Ordinance (Code Chapter 23, Article II)

10/30/2014 - Parks & Recreation Committee - Resolution; Requiring Parking Permits at Newman Mills Park

September 2014

09/22/2104 - Legislative & Rules Commiteee - Resolution; Approving a License Agreement between the City of Stamford and the State of CT to license space in the Lathon Wider Community Center for a DMV Satellite office.

09/29/2014 - Fiscal CommitteeResolution; Amending the Local Real Estate Conveyance Tax Rate

August 2014

08/21/2014 - Transportation Committee  - Ordinance amending Chapter 231, Vehicles and Traffic, Sections 231-25, 231-29 and 231-30, to more effectively Regulate Truck Traffic by changing gross weight of regulated vehicles, by removing the commercial registration limitation and by increasing the monetary impact of violations.

08/21/2014 - Transportation Committee - Resolution approving a lease agreement between the City of Stamford and St. John's Roman Catholic Church for a Public Parking Lot between Tresser Blvd. & Bell Street.

July 2014

07/21/2014 - Legislative & Rules CommitteeOrdinance approving a tax abatement agreement betweeen the City, 22 Clinton LLC and Housing Authority of the City of Stamford

07/21/2014 - Legislative & Rules CommitteeOrdinance approving a tax abatement agreement betweeen the City, 18 Quintard LLC and Housing Authority of the City of Stamford

07/21/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee - Resolution approving a Lease Addendum between the City of Stamford and the Neighborhood Preservation Foundation, Incorporated concerning the "Lease for Housing for the Elderly Site at Willard School” 

07/24/2014 - Transportation CommitteeOrdinance amending Chapter 231, Vehicles and Traffic, adding Article X, Electric Vehicle Charging Station in City-Owned Garages and Surface Lots

07/30/2014 - State & Commerce CommitteeSense of the Board Resolution; Requesting Additions to and Enforcement of State Regulation of Taxicab and Livery Services.

June 2014

06/17/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee - RESOLUTION; approving the Purchase of 200 Strawberry Hill Avenue 

May 2014

05/20/2014 - Housing/Community Development/Social Services Committee - RESOLUTION approving a list of programs to the State DRS in accordance with the provisions of the Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act  - 

05/20/2014 - Housing/Community Development/Social Services Committee - The Stamford Community Development Office Year 40 Annual Action Plan for the use of the Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships program funds 

05/27/2014 - Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Committee - RESOLUTION approving off-track betting facilities within the proposed Bobby Valentine’s Restaurant and Sports Bar to be located at 268 Atlantic Street

05/27/2014 - Land Use/Urban Redevelopment Committee - RESOLUTION amending the Urban Renewal Plan for the Southeast Quadrant (extended) Urban Renewal Project Connecticut, R-43 

05/28/2014 - Personnel Committee - ORDINANCE authorizing the Creation and Designation of the Position of Legislative Officer – Board of Representatives

05/28/2014 - State & Commerce Committee - ORDINANCE withdrawing from the South Western Regional Planning Agency and Joining the Western Council of Regional Governments

April 2014

04/22/2014 - Land Use Committee - Resolution Authorizing the Aquisition by Netogiation or Eminent Domain of Right so fWay for the Atlantic Street and Henry Street Intersection Improvement Project

04/23/2014 - Operations Committee - Ordinance increasing the Street Opening fees in §214-29

04/29/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee - Approving a lease with Sacred Heart University for a lease of office space in the Stamford Government Center

March 2014

03/11/2014 - Land Use Committee - Rejection of Zoning Board amendments to Zoning Map for Properties on Saddle Rock Road

February 2014

02/24/2014 - Legislative & Rules Committee - Ordinance amending the Ethics Ordinance to change the number of members and alternate members of the Board of Ethics and modify the terms of office of the members and alternate members of the Board of Ethics to conform to changes in the Charter approved in 2012 and 2013.

02/26/2014 - Personnel Committee - Ordinance creating the position of chief of staff in the office of the Mayor

02/27/2014 - Land Use Committee - Resolution approving the Director of Administration’s final report and directing the acquisition by eminent domain of rights of way for Pulaski Street, Greenwich Avenue and Waterside Place Intersection Improvement Project

02/27/2014 - Parks & Recreation Committee Ordinance amending the speed zones in Stamford Harbor

02/27/2014 - Parks & Recreation Committee - Resolution establishing the fees for E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course

02/27/2014 - Parks & Recreation Committee - Resolution approving assignment & amendment of Zody's lease (file)

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