All subjects - most recent first (for specific areas, see column on right)
Date Requested w/ link to request)
Date of Opinion
Agenda Item No. (If applicable)
Preemption Issues Involving Ordinance on Motor Vehicle Excessive Noise |
01/19/2024 |
LR31.060 |
Update on Restrictions on Puppy Sales |
12/20/2023 |
02/07/2024 |
Town Clerk employee serving as Elected Official |
11/08/2023 |
Ability of BOR to Regulate Grandfathered Smoke Shop Signs |
10/18/2023 |
01/12/2024 |
Federal Preemption of State and Municipal Regulation re 5G Technology |
10/13/2023 |
LU31.032 |
Operation of §23-18.4.B |
10/03/2023 |
Charter Referendum Date |
09/06/2023 |
CR31.014 |
Proposed Charter Revision - Transitional Provisions (Sec. C9-40-1) |
08/17/2023 |
Ordinance re: Fines for Inoperable Elevators |
02/15/2023 |
PS31.037 |
Authority of BOR over Surface of Athletic Fields |
01/10/2023 |
PR31.011 |
Authority of the City to Require Utilities to Install Electric Lines Underground |
09/15/2022 |
O31.020 |
Meaning of Code § 9-6.A(2) |
07/19/2022 |
LR31.024 |
Approval of Additional Mill Rate |
05/17/2022 |
F31.066 |
Process for Acceptance of Private Roads |
04/20/2022 |
10/25/2022 |
Proposed Change to Board Rule re: When Public may Speak on an Item |
03/01/2022 |
Resolution Requesting Referral of Zoning Board Appeal Petition |
01/28/2022 |
02/07/2022 |
LU31.004 |
Review of Charter Commission Candidates in Executive Session |
01/26/2022 |
02/02/2022 |
Speaking at Public Comment Period on Items Subject to Public Hearing |
01/21/2022 |
03/01/2022 |
LR31.008 |
Ability of Board to hold remote meetings |
01/12/2022 |
01/25/2022 |
LR31.013 |
Charter Commission Membership |
12/10/2021 |
12/14/2021 |
Caucus Meetings and FOIA |
12/13/2021 |
12/23/2021 |
Appointments Commission Membership |
12/13/2021 |
Public Hearing Requirement re: Adopting/Amending Ordinances |
10/12/2021 |
Clarification and/or ability to Change the description of Commercial Vehicles that may be restricted from parking on Residential Streets |
8/23/2021 |
09/16/2021 |
T30.068 |
Board of Ethics Use of Outside Arbitrator instead of Hearing Board |
06/25/2021 |
07/14/2021 |
COE30.005 |
Need for Appropriation for Pre-Fab West Main Street Bridge |
06/09/2021 |
06/24/2021 |
O30.065 |
Timing of Board of Ethics Notice of Disposition |
06/03/2021 |
06/14/2021 |
COE30.005 |
Amendment to Himes Lease and Code §9.7(b) |
05/19/2021 |
06/04/2021 |
LR30.108 |
Sale of 670 Pacific Street, South End Fire Station No. 2 |
04/15/2021 |
O30.069 |
Enforcement of Violation of §201-12 - Waiver of Warning Requirement/Increasing fees on businesses |
03/22/2021 |
PS30.083 |
Creation of Solarize Committee |
02/08/2021 |
O30.081 |
Proposed Ordinance Regulating Fur Trade |
02/08/2021 |
LR30.105 |
Possible Conflict of Proposed Rule Change re: Emergency Meetings with Executive Order 7B |
01/20/2021 |
01/28/2021 |
LR30.101 |
Enforceability of Code Section 179-14, et seq. - Solicitors |
01/06/2021 |
Charter Revision Timing |
01/04/2021 |
Voting by phone, text or email during remote meetings |
12/01/2020 |
LR30.101 |
Follow up Memo re Affordable Housing Trust Fund Ordinance |
09/17/2020 |
HCD30.016 |
State Preemption of Municipal Air Quality Regulations |
09/15/2020 |
PS30.068 |
Memo re Affordable Housing Trust Fund Ordinance (and cited Legal Opinion) |
09/03/2020 |
HCD30.016 |
Use of Beach Permits in Seasonal Residential Parking Zone |
08/11/2020 |
08/18/2020 |
Jurisdiction over Columbus Park Statue |
07/24/2020 |
Mural Painting Event |
07/15/2020 |
07/17/2020 |
Applicable Fine for Violation of Residential Parking Program |
07/10/2020 |
07/20/2020 |
T30.053 |
Authority of Board to Change Name of Columbus Park |
06/26/2020 |
Use of BMR Fee-in-Lieu Funds |
04/21/2020 |
Ability to resubmit a motion that previously failed under Robert's Rules of Order |
04/14/2020 |
LU30.040 |
Authority of Board to Change Rules re: Appointment of Acting President |
04/01/2020 |
LR30.094-95 |
Remote Electronic Meetings |
03/21/2020 |
Effects of IRC §1033 on Taxpayer's Tax Liability due to Threatened Eminent Domain |
03/03/2020 |
LU30.032 |
The Procedure for Acquiring Property by Eminent Domain |
01/13/2020 |
LU30.032 |
Preemption of Ordinance Banning Smoking |
12/06/2019 |
PR30.023 |
Clarification of the role and the procedural authority for the Board of Representatives as it relates to contract negotiations and approvals for the City. |
08/20/2019 |
09/21/2020 |
LR30.079 |
Preemption of Ordinance Prohibiting Sale of Dogs & Cats in Pet Stores |
08/19/2019 |
09/13/2019 |
LR30.068 |
Applicability of Charter § C6-120-3 to Leases of City Property used for Park Purposes |
08/16/2019 |
PR30.025 |
Authority of Board re: South End Historic District Study Committee |
07/09/2019 |
07/15/2019 |
LU30.030 |
Expiration Dates for Appointments on Current Agenda |
06/20/2019 |
Establishment of a Special Revenue Fund for School Capital Projects |
02/25/2019 |
03/15/2019 |
LR30.058 |
Board's authority re: ordinance which would limit the maximum property tax increase that could be levied annually & mill rate laws |
02/07/2019 |
04/16/2019 |
Whether ordinances were violated by closure of Kosciuszko Park |
02/06/2019 |
02/19/2019 |
PR30.016 |
Exclusion of member with conflict from discussion of item in Caucus [withdrawn] |
02/06/2019 |
Petition for Appeal of Amendments MP-432 & MP-433 under C6-30-7 |
02/06/2019 |
02/11/2019 |
LU30.025 |
Board's authority re: Commercial Building Permit Fee Exemptions |
02/05/2019 |
02/21/2019 |
Use of Resolutions to Create Fees |
12/18/2018 |
Board's Authority to prohibit wildlife trafficking and/or its related byproducts |
12/13/2018 |
LR30.053 |
Board's Authority as to funding and staffing of Park Police |
12/04/2018 |
02/15/2019 |
PR30.012 |
Board’s authority to regulate various items related to gun safety |
11/14/2018 |
PS30.032-35 |
Legitimacy of the Board of Representatives relying on the use of resolutions to create or modify a fee or fine versus an ordinance |
10/31/2018 |
11/30/2018 |
Authority of Parks & Recreation Commission to issue resolution re: Park Police Minimum Coverage and Authority of Board of Representatives to Implement Resolution |
10/24/2018 |
11/16/2018 |
PR30.012 |
Whether changing definition of leaf litter in §201-2 to exclude leaves placed in a roadway during the City's Leaf Collection Program is inconsistent with State law |
08/08/2018 |
08/10/2018 |
O30.018 |
Consequences of IRS Disallowance of Contribution to a "Community Supporting Organization" as a Charitable Deduction |
08/01/2018 |
08/20/2018 |
LR30.042 |
Waiver of Proposal Process - West Main Street Bridge Design Contract |
07/23/2018 |
O30.016 |
C6-40-9 legal questions on petition to Board of f Representatives for App. 217- 01, Lifetime Fitness |
06/27/2018 |
LU30.014 |
Participation in Appeal of Zoning Board Change to Zoning Regulations |
05/25/2018 |
06/27/2018 |
LU30.014 |
Proposed Ordinance re: Shopping Bags |
04/04/2018 |
04/27/2018 |
LR30.019 |
Status of Ernie Orgera as Director of Operations |
04/17/2018 |
E30.006 |
Ordinance requiring sharing of well water testing results with City |
03/21/2018 |
PS30.004 |
Additional re: Proposed Ordinance re: Plastic Shopping Bags |
02/28/2018 |
LR30.019 |
Proposed Ordinance re: Plastic Shopping Bags |
01/03/2018 |
LR30.019 |
Proposed Ordinance re: Change to State Law re: Closure of Building Permits |
12/18/2017 |
LR30.022 |
Woodway Country Club Lease Approval |
08/04/2017 |
Proposed Ordinance re: Adjustment of Land Use Fees |
07/25/2017 |
CS29.020 |
Authority of Board of Representatives to Initiate Building Permit Moratorium |
05/18/2017 |
LU29.086 |
Affordable Housing Funds allocation |
3/15/2017 |
HCD29.043 |
Republication of ordinance |
10/03/2016 |
O29.072 |
BOR Member in Executive Session of Committee meeting |
07/28/2016 |
F29.436 |
Waiver of 15 Mile Residency Requirement in Code §40-71 |
06/03/2016 |
A29.151 |
Conflict of Interest - BOR Member Sitting on RFP Selection Committee |
03/16/2016 |
Holdover Doctrine/Appointed Board and Commission Members (C6-00-4) - ltr from Kathy Emmett |
12/22/2015 |
Residency Requirement in Charter (§C5-20-20(b)) |
08/27/2015 |
Holdover Doctrine/Appointed Board and Commission Members (C6-00-4) |
06/25/2015 |
A29.108 |
Holdover Doctrine/Appointed Board and Commission Members (C6-00-4) - long form |
06/12/2015 |
A29.108 |
BOR Control over BOE Field Use Policy |
05/19/15 |
PR29.029 |
Appropriation from Contingency |
07/02/14 |
F29.090 |
Zoning Board Appeal Process |
04/04/14 |
Withdrawal of Zoning Board Nominee |
06/03/13 |
Holdover Doctrine/Appointed Board and Commission Members (vis-a-vis 2012 charter revision) |
12/21/12 |
Dual Office Holding (vis-a-vis 2012 charter revision) |
11/29/12 |
Dual Office Holding (boards & commissions) |
12/30/09 |
n/a |
Frequency of charter revision |
12/19/09 |
Contract Language regarding gifts & political contributions |
08/27/08 |
F27.445 |
Golf Carts-Property Tax-E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course |
04/16/08 |
PR27.029 |
Successive Phased-In Assessments - Proper Methodology |
04/03/08 |
F27.406 |
Resolution requiring a revaluation in 2007 |
07/2007 |
F27.252 |
Non-Solicitation Zones/Traffic Enforcement |
06/08/06 |
LR27.011 |
Rights of owner of 359 Merriebrook to exclude members of public |
03/11/05 |
O29.066 |
BOF 3-3 vote on WPCA budget |
04/14/04 |
Appointment of cabinet member (Dir. of Administration) and necessity of resolution for waiver of residency |
11/19/03 |
Entry of Health Department inspectors on private property |
10/23/03 |
Board of Finance member serving as Acting Director of Public Safety, Health & Welfare |
10/10/03 |
Legal Opinion regarding summary publication of ordinances |
06/17/03 |
LR27.098 |
Ability of BOF re: contingent appropriations in budget process |
04/24/03 |
Opinion from BOE attorney re: contingent appropriations in the budget process |
04/24/03 |
Administration's ability to reduce previously appropriated capital accounts |
03/07/03 |
Enforcement of code by civil citation |
03/05/03 |
Interrelationship between land use controls of URC and local zoning regulations |
12/21/00 |
Preferential points for hiring firefighters based on residency |
12/10/01 |
Technical questions regarding URCs need for BOR approval re: mill river corridor and Parcel 21 |
10/31/00 |
Right to enact an Affordable Housing Ordinance |
02/22/01 |
Requirement for zoning permits for properties designated in "Park" Zones |
10/02/00 |
City's obligation to provide legal representation to city constables |
06/02/00 |
City's obligation to provide legal representation to elected officials |
05/03/00 |
Zoning Board Fees |
08/12/99 |
Powers and Duties of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Golf Commission |
05/13/99 |
Opinion on terms within noise ordinance |
02/12/99 |
PS25.003 |
Noise Ordinance Amemdments - domestic power equipment & leaf blowers |
02/12/99 |
PS25.013 |
Special Act 99-10; increased funding for nursing home staffing |
11/08/99 |
Powers & Duties of the Parks & Recreation Commission and Golf Commission |
05/13/99 |
n/a |
Opinion on terms within noise ordinance |
02/12/99 |
PS25.013 |
Board of Representatives approval of WPCA budget is an approval of its rate structure |
10/07/98 |
Springdale Fire Department Agreements; employment of personnel |
11/05/97 |
Policy oversight by Board of Representatives over Smith House |
09/11/97 |
Correction of a Scrivener's Error in the Charter |
12/18/96 |
P24.006 |
Ordinance to Prohibit the possession of tobacco by minors |
12/12/96 |
Park/Playground Equipment turned over to the City/gifts |
03/20/96 |
Granting of Bonus Points on Civil Service Exams to Stamford Residents |
03/05/96 |
Matthew Kosbob Loitering Ordinance |
02/16/96 |
Dual Office Holding and the Smith House Facilities Governing Board |
03/15/88 |
Legal requirements re: exemption of city government from zoning regs |
05/01/85 |
Voting and conflicts of interest by employees of Board of Education who are also elected representatives |
05/08/75 |
Petitions to BOR to review zoning amendments; guidelines on conflict of interest |
04/26/85 |
Board of Ethics opinion on BOE employees who are elected representatives voting on the board of education budget |
05/10/74 |
Voting and conflicts of interest by elected representatives under ethics investigation on candidates for appointment to Board of Ethics |
06/20/74 |
Relationship of zoning regulations to Stamford's Urban Renewal Plan |
08/05/70 |